
Thursday, 15 November 2012

The London Metropolitan Thought Police are patrolling a neighbourhood and social network near you

Metropolitan Police ‏@metpoliceuk
Hate crime hurts us all. If you've been affected by someone else's prejudice find out how we can help. #SpeakOut
 12:40 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Is "hate crime" not also #thoughtcrime? Do we now have the Thought Police telling us not to hate? What may I not hate, @metpoliceuk?
 12:44 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
What is hate crime anyway? Are we really not allowed to hate? Or say things about people we hate? What about free speech? @metpoliceuk
12:50 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Why can't we say that we hate something or someone? Why is that a crime? Or are we allowed to hate only certain people only? @metpoliceuk
12:51 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Please, @metpoliceuk what are the elements of a hate crime? Is it when I hate people or when I say something that makes people hate me?
12:52 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Doesn't the European Convention of Human Rights allow us to hate something and give us the right to express our hatred? @metpoliceuk
12:55 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Am I allowed to hate #SSMs, @metpoliceuk?
12:59 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Am I allowed to hate white people but not black people, @metpoliceuk ?
1:00 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Am I allowed to hate men but not women, @metpoliceuk ? #thoughtcrime
1:00 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Am I allowed to straight people but not gay people, @metpoliceuk ? #thoughtcrime #speakout
1:02 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Am I allowed to hate able-bodied people but not disabled people, @metpoliceuk ? #thoughtcrime #speakout
1:03 PM - 14 Nov 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
Please @metpoliceuk, tell us what I am allowed to love and hate. #thoughtcrime #speakout
1:04 PM - 14 Nov 12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good that you're asking these questions, but I doubt you'll get much of a response.

If we are kept "in the dark" about these things, then due to the uncertainty surrounding the boundaries, we can be made to assume that saying anything which isn't PC is "hate speech".

"Hate speech" is a very similar concept to "thoughtcrime", indeed.

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