
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Hunting is a time-honoured tradition which should be protected in a civilised and free society

More than 300 hunts are expected to hold their traditional Boxing Day meets today. It is the biggest day in the hunting calendar and comes after the RSPCA brought its first ever prosecution of a traditional hunt when the Heythrop Hunt pleaded guilty to charges of illegal hunting. Sir Barney White-Spunner, executive chairman of the Countryside Alliance, explains how he viewed the prosecution brought by the RSPCA.

Sir Barney - an Englishman with a distinguished military career and a suitably red-blooded attitude towards Reds, subversives and sentimental townspeople who think huntsmen are evil nasty people who want to kill Basil Brush

Whenever sentimental townies think of the fox, this is what appears in their infantilised mind's eye.  Conservative MPs are too afraid to disabuse them of this image, because to do so would be a bit like telling a large but dim teenager with violent tendencies who still believes that Santa exists, that he does not in fact exist,  on Xmas Eve.  As we all already know, Conservative MPs are not known for their moral courage.

I have put it to the Countryside Alliance that they might like to fight Animal Sentimentalists under a libertarian umbrella.

To put the anti-hunting lobby on the defensive it could be pointed out that

  1. they are mostly sentimental, infantilised, class-hating townspeople who think all foxes are Basil Brush;
  2. these sentimental, infantilised, class-hating townspeople tend not to be in jobs that produce anything useful;
  3. these sentimental, infantilised, class-hating townspeople constitute the mob and should not be indulged;
  4. MPs indulge the sentimental, infantilised, class-hating townspeople only because they are in the majority and constitute a significant proportion of their voters who basically have no business voting because they are state-dependent scroungers who pay no taxes, are mostly uneducated and work in a service industry that produces nothing useful, if they work at all; 
  5. country folk constitute the minority but they are a very important minority in the nation since they are the very few people who actually produce what is essential for human and national survival - food for sentimental and infantilised and usually obese townies who should show them a bit of respect and allow them to hunt, if that is what they want to do;
  6. it is time to tell sentimental, infantilised townies who think foxes are Basil Brush where to go and where to stick their infantilised totalitarian ideas.


Would you like to nominate Claire Khaw for the iPM New Year Honour for being the most entertainingly philosophical, political and theological Woman of the Year?  Go on, go on, go on!

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