
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

My former political associate Dave Jones used to do work for the owner of the Todmorden slaughterhouse closed after being implicated in horse meat scandal

Dave Jones outside his home

The Todmorden slaughterhouse he used to work at  now closed after being implicated in the  horse meat scandal

David Mountainman Jones
Any chance Claire could be deleted [from The Pipe Facebook group] on the grounds of her revealing confidentially given information about unpaid wages between me and the horse slaughterman without my permission?

Adrienne H Hartley
I posted the link on his Jail and deport page Apparently the owner is his neighbour but they don't get on.

Adrienne H Hartley
Oh dear not good news for Todmorden is it?

Jail & Deport Claire Khaw: Enemy of the White Working Class
He's my neighbour, I don't get on with him.

Claire Khaw
I wonder why Dave doesn't get on with his neighbour. Perhaps he told me and I forgot.

Claire Khaw
I seem to remember him telling me about some employment dispute.

David Mountainman Jones
My differences between myself and Bod are between me and him and AGAIN told to you on the clear understanding that they are not to be repeated. As for slaughtering horses and selling them, that's his job, he is not to blame for what meat processing firms lablel it is, regardless of wether I like the bloke or not. I have given my view to the bloke from 5 live.

As for you two, mind your own buisiness, regarding any work I did for the man.

David Mountainman Jones
You sad woman I did not work " at the abbotoir", I did some work for the owner of the abbotoir. Get a life, and mind your own buisiness!

David Mountainman Jones
What part of stop publishing bits of fact, and twisting them, that I told you in confidence do you not fucking understand?

David Mountainman Jones 
Take that article down and get your fucking nose out of my private affairs, I did not "work at that slaughterhouse"

David Mountainman Jones
You are a parasite you'll use other people's names and twist and tell lies. You know I didn't work in his slaughterhouse, and the fact I worked for him WAS INFORMATION GIVEN IN CONFIDENCE.

David Mountainman Jones 
I hope you can now see what a liar khaw is.

David Mountainman Jones
I did not "used to do work" for him either, I was not his handyman either. The fact I had anything at all to do with him is a) none of your buisiness and b) told in private and it was agreed that what we said in private stays private.

Stuart Hamilton
Dave you have been trolled to death almost by her, why don't you do what every troll fears the most.....ignore her and don't react

Stuart Hamilton
and this is being said by a self confessed troll!

David Mountainman Jones
Stuart if I ignore her it won't alter the fact that she is lying about me or mean any of you lot recognise her as a truce breaker and liar. She is a liar, and untrustworthy.


I apologise to other members of this group who had to watch the argument today. For the record I am self employed, Peter Boddy (the Horse Slaughterman mentioned) hired me to build a wall and then and we had an argument the details of which I wish to keep private.

Nor do I hold the man responsible for what was done with his horsemeat.

I have never worked at his slaughter house.

I got angry because I was lied about, that is all I have to say. Thank You. has another thread on this subject.  David Rosser Owen makes a puzzling remark.  


Anonymous said...

Stay away from British Nationalism you scum! and that Jew Marshall.

Claire Khaw said...

It is my intention to redefine nationalism as an ideology of promoting the long term national interest.

Therefore telling me to stay away from nationalism is like telling me to stay away from politics.

I take it you want to have Jeffrey Marshall all to yourself then. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

You lying, attention seeking bitch, you can't leave it alone can you, using my name to get attention!! For the record you're a fucking liar, you know full well I just built a wall for him and nothing more, I never "worked at the slaughterhouse". You need to get her fucking facts straight and keep your nose out of my buisiness!!

Jeff Marshall said...

Re "Anonymous" comment. The idiot probably just means I should stay away from British Nationalism as well.

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