
Sunday, 17 March 2013

"Religion is only valuable to the extent that it suppresses women."

‎Rookh Kshatriya:

"Religion is only valuable to the extent that it suppresses women. A religion that does not suppress women, children or the lower orders (and make them behave better, in a social context) has no reason to exist. Modern Christianity is pointless, for that reason."


Anonymous said...

Interesting, although I have no idea what Rookh Kshatriya is.

Anonymous said...

I am a Muslim I believe that this statement is untrue. Why put down that Islam suppresses Woman and Children etc. Why can you show that Islam is a beautiful religion to believe in.What is point in putting this statement in could you explain please.

Anonymous said...

why do attack woman for? Are you a Woman? You must be woman externally and male internally for being such aggressive against own gender.

Claire Khaw said...

Actually, marriage suppresses men too.

Claire Khaw said...

Religion is supposed to regulate the actions of its adherents. Men have to pay a price too under the patriarchy.

Claire Khaw said...

You can find Rookh's blog at

Claire Khaw said...

I don't hate women, but what feminism has done to women, men, children and gender relations.

Anonymous said...

I can't identify with things 'Anglo' so much because I'm Scottish. Even though to most of the world, there's no difference between Scotland and England.

Some slutty girls will sleep with 3 guys in one week.

As you say Claire, all men secretly or not-so-secretly like sluts.

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