
Saturday, 16 March 2013

Demonstrate against the craziness of gay marriage on Sunday 24 March at 2pm in Trafalgar Square

Massive gathering in Trafalgar Square on March 24th

The French government intends to legislate in order to allow same sex marriages. This will enable adoption by two persons of the same sex. The intended statute will get rid of the words "husband", "wife", "father" and "mother" from the French civil code, the statute governing the laws of marriage in France. Through full adoption by two parents of the same sex, a child will by law be treated as being 'born' from them and thereby deprived of a mother or a father.

The French have not been consulted on this. However, a large number of them (70% according to official polls) would like to see a referendum organised on this issue.

Another peaceful protest march of massive proportions will take place in Paris on Sunday 24 March. On the same day, a static gathering will be organized in London in association with the national demonstration to strengthen pressure on the French government.

We look forward to seeing you in Trafalgar Square on March 24th at 2pm!

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