
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Feminised men's rights activists cannot discuss difficult questions and resort to censorship by removing me from their group

We know who is in power by those whom we cannot criticise, and we can no longer criticise the promiscuous and stupid woman.
Do I take it that most men here are not interested in getting married even if fault were reintroduced into divorce and even if their taxes were cut so that a single male income can support a family?
How long have the British been desecrating marriage?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 56 minutes ago near London
Do you agree that we live in a matriarchy?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 57 minutes ago near London
Would you have taken the caution if you had been Charles Saatchi?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago near London
The woman from Del Monte says NO.

Overbalanced coverage of women's matches in the BBC coverage of the Eastbourne tennis tournament.
Is it my imagination, or where are the men's matches?
The women's matches mostly have been displays of fairly weak tennis, with matches often very one-sided, and players unable to produce any sort of consistency.
This contrasts markedly with the competitive standard of the men's matches.
This bias by the BBC is surely part of its risible attempt to pretend that women are just as sports competitive as are men -- hence screening non-popular women's football and golf recently..
At least there wasn't the additional sexism in this tournament of women needing only two sets to the men's three, to then get similar prize money despite also producing a far lower standard of tennis, which is also less popular.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago
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  • Mike Buchanan Steve, in a similar vein, in today's Daily Mail (p35) there's an article by Jane Fryer titled, 'Never Mind Andy Murray - it's the ball girls who REALLY go through hell to star at Wimbledon'. 

    Best wishes,

    Mike Buchanan
    ...See More
    about an hour ago via  · Like
  • Claire Khaw Men should not even attempt to beat women in the pursuit of victimhood status, IMHO. It just looks effeminate, disgusting and pathetic. Instead, ruthlessly undermine their arguments (which is very easy to do) and do not relent even when they start boo-hooing.
Do I take it that most men here are atheists and do not intend to either marry or have legitimate children?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago near London
"We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
  • Claire Khaw

    Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago
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    • John Mac Canna Religion is anti morality. It corrupts and poisons everything. It is hypocritical, greedy, violent, a corruption, it is born of fear ignorance, promoted by the powerful, it cheats and lies. NOW IT IS weak they have to be nice, but lived in a time place Ireland 1970s when they were strong and they were very nasty. I do not like religion.
      2 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
    • Martin Brady The irony is that many of the censorship measures which the radfems are trying to demand were in place in pre-Mary Robinson Ireland, and that country was hardly a bastion of women's rights!
    People deserve the government they get. The British deserve the government they get. People who are mostly sexually immoral should expect to be governed by a government that has no moral principles.

    Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago
    To overthrow the matriarchy, you must be prepared to challenge feminism and say so in no uncertain terms. You must be prepared to say the F word.

      Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago
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      • Martin Brady "The patriarchy isn't how the feminists present it, but it is technically, by definition there."

        I think you're getting that back-to-front, Owen Eastwood: 'patriarchy' is an ideological construct, with roots in Marxism-Leninism.
      • Martin Brady "A patriarchy is a society that condones male promiscuity, and a matriarchy one that condones female promiscuity."

        Those are only YOUR personal definitions: the more widely accepted (and yet, still highly contentious) definitions of those terms are more complex.
        3 hours ago · Like · 2
      To ask for men's rights is the wrong way to go about it because this suggests you are applying to the matriarchy for rights, and are therefore in the position of a supplicant. This is a disgraceful and contemptible position, if you are a man.
      • Claire Khaw

        Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago
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        • Claire Khaw The problem is the same here with UK political parties - one of leadership.
        • Steve Wylie ADMIN: Look, Claire - dial it back a bit will you? Take time to scroll through some of the threads of this group and see what are priorities are, before joining in appropriately. We don't do binary voting questions, and we keep politics to a minimum - if at all.

          Thank you for your co-operation.
          3 hours ago · Like · 2
        To overthrow the matriarchy, you will have to get either UKIP or BNP to promote an anti-feminist and pro-marriage message. To overthrow the matriarchy, all you have to do is call for the repeal of the Equality Act 2010 and the reintroduction of fault into divorce.
        • Claire Khaw

          Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 3 hours ago

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