The Conservative Woman is run by a female Catholic hypocrite and her name is Alison Figeurido I believe she is the admin for The Conservative Woman.
This was what I said before I was blocked:
The Conservative Woman is run by a female Catholic hypocrite and her name is Alison Figeurido I believe she is the admin for The Conservative Woman.
- I am sick to death of "isms". Of people's hair catching fire over the slightest things, offence being taken quickly and dramatic over reactions to words and sentiments. There are some days when I think e should be made legal and dropped into everyone's tea. Especially the drama queens in our governments and media who exist to create disharmony where none ever previously effing existed!
This was what I said before I was blocked:
- Conversation started 13 March
- Claire Khaw
Worth discussing?Did you notice by how much I boosted the number of likes yesterday? - Claire Khaw
May I know if any of you will be at the Freedom Festival which begins in Bournemouth tomorrow? - Claire Khaw
Back the the subject of SSMs.
Who is really more culpable in these situations, when both parties are equally irresponsible in the sense that neither practised effective contraception?
Does it not behove the one always left holding the baby to take more care?If unwanted pregnancy were a personal injury, shouldn't an element of contributory negligence be imputed? - Claire Khaw
I know many of you are afraid to engage. Peter Hitchens certainly is. I have been rather cruel to him, but the point has to be made, I am afraid. - Claire Khaw
I know I have offended the entire literary mafia of this country, and they are all incorrigibly liberal. - Claire Khaw
I suspect that my promoting The Con Woman yesterday directly led to my exclusion from the Bournemouth Freedom Festival Conference. - Claire Khaw
I cannot prove it, of course, but I have said for years that feminism is the antithesis to libertarianism.
It is really too bad that the men's groups are really too weak, divided, fearful and intellectually inept to protest effectively.
I am afraid it is the case that all British men are neurotically fearful about challenging feminism. The ones with status fear loss of status, and those without status will not be listened to, of course.
High status men with wives would be particularly fearful of being divorced for expressing their real views about women and feminism, because of no-fault divorce. - Claire Khaw
Sadly for anyone wishing to fight feminism, I am the person uniquely in a position to make the case against feminism, but then I too have pariah status.I would actually be better than any man, because I do not hope to bed a woman not my wife and therefore feel obliged to flatter her or at the very least not offend her. - Claire Khaw
Do read Simon Sheppard on male neurosis. It is a state of not knowing what to do for the best. That is why so many middle class men take to drink when they begin to have an inkling of their own helplessness and wretchedness.
And in the meantime, supposedly libertarian men exclude me from their libertarian gatherings while not daring to say the real reason.
This is what feminism has turned men into, but feminists are too selfish to think of the long term consequences of having such an abysmal quality of masculinity in their country.
People pretend I am some sort of crazy Nazi extremist, but my modest proposals are merely to repeal the Equality Act and abolish no fault divorce. One really cannot get more motherhood and apple pie than that. That is the crowning irony.
"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." - Claire Khaw
They wish to call me mad and when I ask them why they dare not say what it is because they don't want to discuss it AT ALL. Not only is what I have been saying taboo, it is also taboo to refer to it. - Claire Khaw
It is of course taboo to question feminism. Even the BNP whom everyone thinks is so out there, dare not do it. Being antifeminist is worse than being racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic all rolled into one. So far, there is no law against it. So far, no one else wants my job. I have the entire field to myself.But since you appear to want to do something, you really should be thinking of ways to discuss this subject and perhaps recognise that the solutions that so many find so detestable are the only ones that would work.I do not expect praise or even approval at this stage, only the intellectual honesty required to discuss this subject properly and rationally using philosophical and legal tools of reasoning.It would be nice to have it on record that there do exist women capable of voluntarily and unilaterally giving up the accumulated privileges of decades of feminist agitation for an abstract principle. - Claire Khaw
There are a number of ways of dealing with me:(1) continue to ignore me hoping I will fade away(2) attack my ideas because they do propose the slaying of so many sacred cows all at once(3) have the honesty to discuss my ideas with each otherMy ideas do not harm women. Many just want the right to be a housewife and mother. Since it is undoubtedly better for society that most women do this, why deprive them of this and expect them to behave like an ambitious professional career woman? Most women aren't up to this and will fail miserably, and their men and children will suffer.Even now they are proposing to euthanase people left right and centre because women no longer want to look after their ailing parents, husbands and children.It will be our turn next when we are old and doddery. - Claire Khaw
Of course, decide first whether I am a force for good or evil. At least be prepared to examine and dissect my ideas first before you decide. One of you is legally trained, and this should help. - Today
- Claire Khaw
Excellent articles, which nobody seems to read, sadly. You are nothing to do with the Conservative Party, are you? - Claire Khaw
I am afraid putting it nicely is not going to get you heard at all. Something rather stronger is required.
If someone would just engage and tell me the problems you face I will be happy to think of a few ideas to get you more publicity.
Have a look at my Twitter timeline. - Claire Khaw
Feminism causes immigration.Feminism causes female promiscuity.Feminism undermines marriage.Feminism destroys families.Make it short and sweet and make it fit onto a T shirt. - Claire Khaw
I have a few ideas about how you could get more publicity, so if you are interested do get in touch. - Today
- Claire Khaw
Are you getting any hate mail? If not, it means you have completely failed to reach your audience. If you are anything like Family Youth Trust and are run on those lines, you are just preaching to the converted. Why do you persist in doing so? "If all you do is all you ever did, all you'll ever get is all you ever got." - Claire Khaw
Persist in getting nowhere in being boring, buttoned-up and respectable. No one will complain, and this means no one else will read it. The Christian Institute is a hopeless arrogant failure, is it not? Perhaps you should reconsider your policy of disdainfully not engaging when I get far more publicity for anything I do than anything you do. - Claire Khaw
The reason why gay marriage is not defeated is because of arrogant, pompous, unimaginative, boring campaigning methods, but carry on, carry on, because you think your ways are so much better than mine when together we can actually get somewhere. - Claire Khaw
I got 24 people to like this page, by the way, and most of them I have not even met.
Are you anything to do with Colin Hart, infamous for his arrogance?
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