
Saturday, 23 August 2014

Will the BNP will have a leadership contest in 2015?

What makes you think Adam Walker is not up to the job of being BNP leader on his own?

Has it occurred to you that Adam Walker might have been appointed by Nick Griffin on his own merits?

Are you saying that Nick Griffin thinks stepping aside in favour of Adam Walker would avert the danger of leadership election in 2015 because he thought time would start running from the date of Walker assuming leadership and that the next leadership election would be 4 years from that date?

Did you know that the BNP constitution is silent and ambiguous on when a leadership contest is to take place in the case of Adam Walker's incumbency? "7.1 The National Chairman of the Party shall be elected for a fixed term of four years; with the election cycle beginning in 2011."

Are you really claiming that Nick Griffin is so afraid of Jeffrey Marshall that he only pretended to step down in favour of Adam Walker so as to make it less likely that Jeffrey Marshall would throw his hat in the ring for the 2015 BNP leadership contest?

How likely do you think other nationalists would be to encourage Jeffrey Marshall to throw his hat in the ring for the 2015 BNP leadership contest?

What is the difference between what you think of as nationalism and Conservatism?

Is there no difference between Conservatism and Nationalism them?

Why do you continue to waste your time on the BNP - a party that was never meant for the likes of you?

Wouldn't it be funny if Michael Crick asked if he could interview Adam Walker about the future of nationalism under his leadership?

Are you saying that Nick Griffin forbade Adam Walker from tweeting because he is a stupid pleb who cannot be trusted to keep himself out of trouble whenever he opens his mouth?

How can you be sure that Nick Griffin forbade Adam Walker from tweeting?

Why do you think Nick Griffin forbade Adam Walker from tweeting?

What would Jeffrey Marshall's bid for the BNP leadership contest in 2015, if he threw his hat in the ring, be based on?

Now that you have laid out so much of your plans online, how do you think Jeffrey Marshall will feel about perceived to be merely your proxy for the 2015 BNP leadership contest?

You seem to be saying Jeffrey Marshall has no other choice but to throw his hat into the ring for the 2015 BNP leadership election, aren't you?

Which BNP policies are you in agreement with?

Have you read Section 7 of the BNP constitution about the election of party leader?

Is the publicity you think you will get for Jeffrey Marshall the kind of publicity that would help him in the 2015 BNP leadership contest?

What makes you think Jeffrey Marshall is more likely to win the 2015 BNP leadership contest if you run his campaign?

Has it occurred to you that Jeffrey Marshall may not want you to run his campaign in the 2015 BNP leadership contest?

How are you going to persuade Jeffrey Marshall to throw his hat in the ring for the 2015 BNP leadership contest now that you seem to think he is reluctant to do so?

What else are you going to say to Jeffrey Marshall to persuade him to stand if he says he is just not up to it and doesn't fancy throwing his hat in the ring for the 2015 BNP leadership contest because of all the opprobrium it would attract from BNP members who would resent him for rocking the boat?

What would you do if Jeffrey Marshall explicitly declares that he is not having you as his campaign manager for the 2015 BNP leadership election?

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