
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Why those who cheer what the tranny potter said about default man have shit for brains

Grammarly Man was so impressed by my answer that he asked me for a snog and wanted me to call him.

Do feminists and their mangina running dogs who cheer on the fall of the patriarchy have shit for brains?

Answers in a comment below, please, on what you think IS/ISIS/ISIL would do to a nation of tranny potters and his default woman, apart from behead them and then sell their default women and default children as slaves.

You could also tell the Tranny Potter in person what  you think about the default man by by going to the Tranny Potter Show, if he is taking questions, and if you don't mind paying £15+ for the privilege of doing so. The best and worst of Britain's Commie Pinko Feminazi Homos, as well as Martin Amis, will be in attendance, as you can see at

If anyone wants to pay for my ticket, I will gladly go and point out a few home truths to the assembled libtards.

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