
Thursday, 26 February 2015

Should self-confessed *SLUT* Zenna Atkins resign as Chair of School Governors?

If you think self-confessed sluts who boast that they go around offering blow jobs to random men who decline them should not be Chair of School Governors, please email Liz Dawson whose email you can find at

Miss Atkins was head of Ofsted, the schools watchdog, from 2006 to 2010 and is now the chair of governors at the Portslade Aldridge Community Academy school in Brighton. She is also a shameless SLUT posting on Facebook that her offer of a blowjob to a man she found attractive was declined. Remember: STUPID SLUT is a pleonasm. If you are the parent of any child unfortunate enough to attend Portslade Aldridge Community Academy it is with this stupid slut your child's school will be associated.  

Ex-Ofsted chief infuriates parents by boasting about sex acts on Facebook

Portslade Aldridge Community Academy is a school that requires improvement. It is not good because

  • Teaching was not good enough in the first year of the academy, so students did lesswell than they should have done in their GCSE examinations, especially in mathematics.
  • Students make very different progress in different subjects, because subject leaders are not equally good at making sure everyone does the best they can.
  • The sixth form requires improvement. Students achieve better on some courses than onothers, often because they have not been guided to make choices best suited to their abilities.
  • Some staff struggle to manage the behaviour of the most challenging students.
  • Gaps in achievement between different groups of students are too wide.
  • The Principal and senior leaders did not do enough to make sure that teaching and achievement were good in the academy’s first year.

How likely is a self-confessed slut like Zenna Atkins to improve this school?

Are sluts like her responsible for the idea that 5 year old children in primary schools should be given sex education? I think we should be told.

Why blowjob offering slut Zenna Atkins should resign as Chair of School Governors

1 comment:

AB said...

Excellent line of questioning, Claire. Andrew Neil ought to be concerned about his job.

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