
Saturday, 28 March 2015

Why Andreas Lubitz did what he did

Andreas Gunter Lubitz in happier times.

The Germanwings co-pilot thought to have deliberately crashed his Airbus in the French Alps, killing 150 people, predicted "one day everyone will know my name", his ex-girlfriend says.

In an interview with Germany's Bild newspaper, she recalled a comment Andreas Lubitz made last year.

"One day I'm going to do something that will change the whole system, and everyone will know my name and remember," he told her.

Essence of the spree killer
In contrast, the essence of the spree killer is rebellion against his devaluation. His protest at his derogation is expressed by the number of victims; his tally is a demonstration of his worth. In most cases the spree killer has already decided to end his life, either because of events immediately beforehand or as part of a long-standing plan. Circumstances have ceased to make his life worthwhile, and he raises the cost of his demise with a final statement of his value.

We can now consider his choice of targets in light of this, particularly his emergence in modern, feminized, Western societies. In the male-female ‘game of opposites’ I have referred to before, males value the old while females value the young. Thus in the feminine mindset, children are valued more than men. This has become especially manifest since the State has supplanted the husband as the female’s protector and ultimate provider.

Female largesse extends to the many groups with which she feels affinity or sympathy. Yet practically everything that has ever been discovered or invented has arisen from white male ingenuity. Although virtually all our modern amenities derive from the efforts of exceptional males, our society could not function without ordinary men performing mundane jobs. Nevertheless in contemporary society he is constantly devalued and insulted; his concerns are routinely dismissed. What more profound insult can be delivered to a man than for a woman to advertise that she prefers a male of an alien race, even one who a century or so ago was called a savage, to seed future generations of her line? These are the provocations which can transform a normal, law-abiding and otherwise unexceptional man into a kind of Vulcan murder-machine.

Thus in raising the cost of his demise, the spree killer can target the young, raising the cost according to the values of his opponent. Breivik’s choice of target was coldly logical – since the State, as in this country, has defined “the invaders” as a protected group, any action against them will only increase their guardianship and exacerbate the situation he is rebelling against. Plus of course, information about where the blame really belongs is hard to come by. Pointing the finger can land you a jail sentence.

Intolerance of criticism
Even moderate critics of the Establishment’s suicidal immigration policies are marginalised and vehemently traduced as “racists,” “xenophobes” and the like. The fate of Matt Hale is a case in point. Nationalists’ concerns are ignored, or they are the theme of phony, stage-managed debates by a closed group of ‘media darlings’ who only repeat their stock agenda. The spree killer arises out of repressed fury at the despoliation of everything he is, has or holds dear; indeed spree killing might be regarded as the ultimate displacement activity.

Under this analysis it becomes apparent that fathers who destroy their children and then themselves, usually after the mother has spurned the marriage, are another form of spree killing. Including these personal tragedies adds significantly to the total number of spree killings already recorded.

This is only a provisional analysis of the spree killer phenomenon – H&D is an invaluable forum for intelligent nationalist thought but it is not an academic journal – and there may be some loose ends. At the forefront it is easy to lose your way. However evolutionary psychology provides us with a reliable guide, and the tribal scenario above is consistent with phylogenetic (i.e. natural) principles and the gut instinct of many individual males. It has always been, and will ever be, the male who fights to preserve the integrity of the tribe.

The spree killer may be at the outer boundary in the range of normal human behaviour, but nonetheless his is the natural response of the social animal provoked beyond endurance. He is merely the forerunner, and until he is given legitimate expression of his valid and justified anger, and allowed to respond to the daily injustices and affronts he must presently endure, each new atrocity will only herald more to come.

A widely accepted explanation links amok with male honor (amok by women is virtually unknown). Running amok would thus be both a way of escaping the world (since perpetrators were normally killed) and re-establishing one's reputation as a man to be feared and respected. Some observers have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which, it is suggested, drove Malay/Indonesian men to create circumstances in which others would kill them.

John Dyrden: "Beware the fury of a patient man."

Male Suicide Pilots - MGTOW


JF said...

There is a sick desperation to turn every and any event into a Muslim attack.

AH said...

He does look a bit 'Forest Gump-ish' I must say.

AK said...

It has already been stated that he is a homosexual,which has added to his mental fragility.

Claire Khaw said...

His ex-girlfriend has already been interviewed about his mental health issues.

DRO said...

Hiding the role of the dangerous psychotropic SSRI Zoloft that he was taking, of course.

JF said...

Is there any concrete proof that the accused is guilty?

Claire Khaw said...

What aspect of the story do you doubt?

JF said...

All of it.

A deceitful media cannot be trusted.

JP said...

BBC news does not say he was Muslim.

Claire Khaw said...

FFS. More crazed conspiracy theories.

AK said...

Why didn't his ex tell Lufthansa what he'd said?

AH said...

So far he's a gay Jew that had a girlfriend, he recently converted to Islam whilst taking very strong psychotropic dugs and had just bought two new expensive cars.

No the media cannot be trusted but he was the only one in the cockpit. So if he didn't do it who did?

No the media cannot be trusted but he was the only one in the cockpit. So if he didn't do it who did?

Whilst we will never know why I don't see how anyone else can be held responsible.

DA said...

ALL pilots in the future, whether they like it or not, must by law release all their medical records to their employers. Doctors must forward any changes in a pilot's health immediately to their employers.

Include bus, train and tram drivers in due course.

AH said...

Pilots and drivers will all be redundant soon this is Probly some scam to make it happen faster.

AB said...

Is a 27 year old professional pilot a "beta" male? At age 27, perhaps in the top 0.5-1% of earnings, social group, esteem ... so does unilateral relegation from Alpha to Beta endorse the theory? Or are only 0.00001% of males "Alpha"?

Claire Khaw said...

There are no alpha males in the West. You cannot be an alpha male if you are afraid of offending sluts and even the US President is afraid of offending sluts cos they all have the vote.

AB said...

OK, got it. Western Male = Beta Male irrespective of status, earnings, beliefs,, achievements. All it matters is that he's male and lives in the west. Nice Definition.

Claire Khaw said...

If all males are afraid to criticise sluts then all men are lower than sluts and therefore no man can be an alpha male.

AB said...

And by definition those who DO criticise ...and are Western..can be Alpha but only if they meet other unilateral criteria... I'm still following this logic correctly, yes, Claire?

Claire Khaw said...

We know who is in power by those whom we cannot criticise ...

AB said...

I expect we are all going to see many many more of these " incomprehensible" actions .... commented upon by a media and political class who simply won't listen or understand why they are happening. There is absolutely no way to counter random attacks nor counter the ingenuity of those who are both determined and able to carry out these attacks. And yet the heads will be buried in the proverbial sand whilst attempting to administer the sticking-plaster to the effects yet refusing to address the cause.

Claire Khaw said...

Suicide bombers are also beta males who want to be remembered.

JF said...

I absolutely guarantee that this cunt feels zero sense of shame in her disgusting actions.

She will be feeling proud of herself and will enjoy her new found notoriety.

Claire Khaw said...

Looks like the dumb bitch had some moral sense, after all, or someone in her family - probably her father did - and decided to leave town before the wrath of the world descended on them.

AK said...

talk about scapegoating!! he is totally responsible,blaming her is utter bullshit.

Claire Khaw said...

I did not say he was not responsible for the crash.

I am not criticising Kathrin Goldbach for crashing the plane, am I?

I am criticising her for being a STUPID SLUT who is knocked up with the bastard of a mass-murdering maniac.

I am sure this is not the first time I have said this.


I know that she has never flown a plane, so why would I criticise her flying skills?

I have been criticising the morals of Slut Single Mothers for years now and I am criticising Kathrin Goldbach for being a dumb treacherous slut.

Why would this be "bullshit"?

I am not saying that no woman should ever leave any man she happens to be shacked up with and knocked up by, even if she suspects him to be a mass-murdering maniac.


Why is this "bullshit"?

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