
Thursday, 2 April 2015

Wouldn't you be feeling a little suicidal if you ...

  1. bought you and your pregnant girlfriend "his and her" luxury Audis
  2. took your pregnant girlfriend and her family away on holiday

Wouldn't you be feeling just a little suicidal and angry if your girlfriend was a stupid pregnant slut like Kathrin Goldbach (above) who dumped you shortly after you bought her a luxury car and took her and her family on holiday?

Kathrin Goldbach told the German co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz that she's moving out from their apartment a day before Lubitz committed the mass murder.

a former partner described him as a tormented, erratic man who was a master of hiding his darkest thoughts and would wake up from nightmares screaming ‘we’re going down’.
The 26-year-old Germanwings stewardess, known only as Maria W, revealed to a German newspaper how Lubitz ominously told her last year: 
‘One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it.’   


Kathrin Goldbach, 26, whom he once planned to marry, discovered that she was expecting a baby as little as two weeks ago, German media reported.
The pair, who are said to have had a patchy relationship over the last seven years, were letting the pregnancy news sink in when Lubitz crashed a Germanwings flight into the French Alps, according to German newspaper Bild. 

Lubitz was believed to have been depressed and had told his girlfriend he was in psychiatric treatment. Goldbach, who was previously identified in reports only as Mary W, said Lubitz had once woken up from an apparent nightmare screaming, “We’re going down!” and that he once told her, “One day I will do something that will change the whole system, and then all will know my name and remember it.”

'He was always seeking assurances about the way he looked and the way he was viewed by others,' said the former lover, identified only as Maria, 26.
She painted a portrait of a 'tormented and erratic' man who would wake up from nightmares screaming: 'We're going down, we're going down!'
She added: 'He once told me he would do something to change the whole system, that the world would know his name and remember him.'


In the case of Oscar Pistorius, Reeva Steenkamp was the victim, but this was another cohabitation situation - why not calling it "living in sin" again? - leading to a lethal act of violence. Just as there are men who pump and dump there are women who do this too. Some men take it worse than others when they have shown greater emotional and financial commitment than the woman and are then unceremoniously rejected by the woman.  

Women in cohabiting relationships are far more likely to be abused or killed than married women -- by a factor of 9, according to one study -- and yet cohabitation rates have increased sharply in South Africa as in other countries. There, as in the US, Europe or Australia, pre-marital sex, which often leads to cohabitation, is also taken for granted.

In other words, uncommitted sexual relationships are virtually the norm for women around Steenkamp’s age. (She had previously cohabited with a boyfriend.) Of course, they do not all lead to violence, let alone death, but they delay and complicate the quest for a spouse and have many other unhappy consequences.

This is the fundamental mistake that the two South African stars made, and no-one wants to mention it. Sex implied things that neither of them could mean, even if, for fleeting moments, they imagined it did. One of them took the implications far too seriously and it all ended in tragedy, one young life lost and the other in ruins.

Why do we accept this trend? Why do we not warn young women and men of the downside -- and the downright dangers -- of giving themselves bodily and emotionally to someone they barely know? Why do we not give them the dismal statistics before they start experimenting, and the values and character training that will set them on the path of real friendships and marital commitment? Social silence on this matter means social guilt.

Kathrin Goldbach, 26, had told the co-pilot about two weeks before the crash that she was pregnant, the German newspaper Bild reported on Sunday.

The German schoolteacher seemed happy about it and even told her students she was going to be a mom, the paper said.

But she was booting Lubitz from her life, reports have said.

She told him the day before Tuesday’s crash — in which he intentionally flew an Airbus into the French Alps, killing himself and the 149 others aboard — that they were through and that she was moving out, Bild reported.

"An extremely shaken Miss Goldbach, who is seeking comfort from a priest, told investigators that her long-term boyfriend Lubtiz had whisked her away on holiday just days before his death.

Family members were also said to have joined the couple – who first met while working in a local Burger King as teenagers - on the final holiday.

Miss Goldbach left her teaching job in Montabaur after Lubitz qualified as a pilot in 2013 and the pair moved to a flat in Dusseldorf. She got a job in a secondary school in a town called Krefeld just outside of the city.

The young teacher also confirmed that in the weeks before the crash he had bought ‘his and her’ luxury Audi’s for himself and Miss Goldbach."

The mystery is solved.

Only the most hypocritical cowardly self-abnegating men - is this most Western men? - would pretend that they would not be angry or depressed on account of the ultimate rejection of everything about a man and all he stands for if he did all this for his pregnant slut of a girlfriend and that ungrateful dumb bitch still rejected him after returning from holiday.

Lubitz must have felt himself to be such a fool to have taken up with trash like her after all he did to honour her and her family that he was understandably suicidal and very very angry indeed.

It is a shame Lubitz didn't just murder that ungrateful dumb slut Kathrin Goldbach if he was so upset by her he had to kill someone instead of taking it out on a planeload of innocent people.

Now, we can look forward to Mr & Mrs Lubitz saying what they think of that slut Kathrin Goldbach and her family. Bild and Der Spiegel, do your stuff!

Male Suicide Pilots - MGTOW


AB said...

Sometimes even you are too inflammatory. This woman is going to have to tell her son her father was a mass murderer. Please show a little restraint.

Claire Khaw said...

She should have an abortion if she had any sense.

Wouldn't you tell her to have an abortion if you were her parent?

AB said...

You're all heart

SA said...

Was she flying the plane?

Claire Khaw said...

I never suggested she was.

Being the triggering event does not mean you are responsible for the event in question.

EY said...

So he was having an affair but couldn't handle being dumped?

Claire Khaw said...

All we know is that it is worse to be dumped by your pregnant girlfriend that you have just taken on holiday than to be dumped by a mere girlfriend who is not pregnant that you have not been living with.

Women reading this should use their imaginations a little.

EY said...

The fact that he didn't go quietly but took others with him says more about character than his mental health.

Claire Khaw said...

"An extremely shaken Miss Goldbach, who is seeking comfort from a priest, told investigators that her long-term boyfriend Lubtiz had whisked her away on holiday just days before his death.

Family members were also said to have joined the couple – who first met while working in a local Burger King as teenagers - on the final holiday.

Miss Goldbach left her teaching job in Montabaur after Lubitz qualified as a pilot in 2013 and the pair moved to a flat in Dusseldorf. She got a job in a secondary school in a town called Krefeld just outside of the city.

The young teacher also confirmed that in the weeks before the crash he had bought ‘his and her’ luxury Audi’s for himself and Miss Goldbach."

Sounds like he really really really wanted the relationship to work.

Claire Khaw said...

I am NOT repeat NOT defending Lubitz's character nor am I JUSTIFYING him.

Can we discuss the morals of the slut, now, please.

JF said...

The woman freely admits that she knew Lubitz was mentally unstable.

Yet still she took his seed and then dumped him like stale milk.

Her actions were appalling yet no doubt she will feel no shame because she has a baby in her belly.

Why on earth would you want to breed with someone you know is mentally ill?

And why would you antagonise them in such a way?

Yet she shouldn't be negatively judged?

SA said...

Did he leave a note blaming her? And even if he did, it was still his decision.

Surprised you are looking for excuses for him, suggesting that he a victim. Not like you.

His employers bear some responsibility but his girlfriend is simply in no way responsible for his actions.

Claire Khaw said...

I am not looking for excuses for Andreas Lubitz. I am trying to educate you people on the difference being a TRIGGERING EVENT and BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR.

Is this too nuanced for you all?

I use my words very carefully while it seems you all read them very carelessly.

Are you all pretending to be stupid or something?

SA said...

Bollocks, you are trying to conflate this incident with your warped sluts are to blame for the collapse of civilisation gibberish!

Claire Khaw said...

The more we tolerate sluts the more chaotic society and the worse government will become. YOU MARK MY WORDS.

DA said...

70% of men currently in prison were raised by single mothers.

SA said...

Half of the US is in prison!

Nothing to do with economics. technological advances changing military realities, mass's all the fault of sluts!

DA said...

"Half of the US is in prison!"

Stuart Adair: American blacks aren't known for their family values since they abandoned Christanity and placed their faith in the democrats.

JF said...


Your boyfriend/girlfriend is mentally sick and controlling.

Do you still choose to have a baby with them?

Claire Khaw said...

Clearly, what sent Lubitz over the edge was the fact that his slut and pregnant girlfriend dumped him.

Why will no one question the morals of this slut?

JF said...

Because it's 2015 Claire and women cannot be questioned.

Lubitz should not have crashed the plane and he is responsible for his actions.

But the behaviour of his ex girlfriend was vile.

AK said...

This isnt the first time that anti-psychotic drugs have led to 'erratic' and dangerous behaviour. 'Big pharma' knows this,of course,but doesnt give a fuck.

Claire Khaw said...

So what are we to do about anti-psychotic drugs then?

AK said...

ideally,dont use them,coz they help no-one.

Claire Khaw said...

But what if you are psychotic?

And what if your doctor prescribes them to you?

JF said...

He was controlling and erratic.

So what did she do?

She allowed him to spunk inside her.
Then she dumped him.

She ought to be extremely proud of herself.

I'm sure the child will be estatic to find out how it's mother behaved.

This women is absolutely disgusting.

She is utter scum.

Is it possible for the families of the dead to take this woman to court on any kind of charge Claire?

Clearly she has been one of the aggravating causes of his misery.

She knew he was erratic, by her own admission, yet she still chose to antagonise him in a way that would cause even a sane and well balanced man to lose his rag.

She should suffer some form of punishment.

Anonymous said...

"Killer pilot Andreas Lubitz revealed his affair with an airline stewardess to his live-in lover just weeks before deliberately crashing his Germanwings plane into the French Alps, it has been claimed.

The 27-year-old is understood to have told his partner Kathrin Goldbach, 26, that he had been romantically involved with a Germanwings flight attendant named only as Maria.

Maybe he was in love with Maria, not Kathrin Goldbach.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was in love with Maria and she rejected him

Claire Khaw said...

Kathrin Goldbach and Maria W are the same woman, apparently.

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