
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Female judge grants asylum to Sudanenese migrant Abdul Rahman Haroun, 3 women greet him at prison gates

  • Chunnel stroll to asylum in Britain: MPs say giving Sudanese migrant refugee status is sending out the wrong message to others
  • MPs have condemned decision to grant asylum to Abdul Rahman Haroun
  • Sudanese migrant charged after being found in 31-mile tunnel in August
  • But Haroun, 40, has now won asylum and will be allowed to say in Britain
  • Will now be given state-funded accommodation and £37 weekly allowance

Judge Adele Williams told Haroun through an interpreter: ‘Now that you have been granted asylum to remain in the United Kingdom, the prosecution in this case just need 14 days to consider whether to proceed with this prosecution against you.’

Haroun was released from HMP Elmley, on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, shortly before 6pm yesterday. 
Wearing a green T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, he was greeted at the prison gates by three women.

Why Females Prefer Immigrant Males by Simon Sheppard

Female BBC journalists' pro-migrant coverage

Looks like Sudanese migrants are getting the message loud and clear. British women are just gagging for Sudanese men and British men are helpless to stop these women from signalling these preferences.

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

How interesting that this German Mayoress should invite immigrant men into her land and then tell her countrywomen to conform to the expectations of these immigrant men.

Interesting too that Angela Merkel should invite immigrant men into her land and then withdraw her invitation a few weeks later. Is she, in her own way, being a bit of a prick-teaser?

Angela Merkel’s generous open-door policy towards people fleeing Syria’s civil war has been thrown into confusion after Berlin announced that the hundreds of thousands of Syrians entering Germany would not be granted asylum or refugee status. The announcement from the interior ministry on Friday showed panic at the top in Berlin, with the swiftly issued semi-denials only intensifying the sense of confusion and knee-jerk responses over refugees.

Saudi historian Saleh Al-Saadoon seems to be saying American men don't care that their women are raped, but Arab men suffer more deeply because of the consequential social and religious problems as well as a blow to their morale when their women have been raped, probably, I would suggest, because they feel more responsible for their women than American men.

Why do German men put up with these women? Have they turned into women too? Do some non-Muslim men want to dissociate themselves from their effeminate and degenerate compatriots too afraid to say boo to stupid, mediocre and irresponsible women in positions of influence so much that they end up joining ISIS in a fit of self-loathing?

There is nothing remarkable about the fact that the biggest horde of foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria originated in Tunisia, the most westernised of Arab countries. Mass education, economic crisis and unfeeling government have long constituted a fertile soil for the cults of authoritarianism and violence. Powerlessness and deprivation are exacerbated today by the ability, boosted by digital media, to constantly compare your life with the lives of the fortunate (especially women entering the workforce or prominent in the public sphere: a common source of rage for men with siege mentalities worldwide). The quotient of frustration tends to be highest in countries that have a large population of educated young men who have undergone multiple shocks and displacements in their transition to modernity and yet find themselves unable to fulfil the promise of self-empowerment. For many of them the contradiction Dostoevsky noticed between extravagant promise and meagre means has become intolerable.

Women in politics - are they more trouble than they are worth? Would you say that the crisis of British masculinity began when Thatcher became Prime Minister and did the job a real man should have done? Sadly, real men have been absent from British political life since at least 1979.

Indeed, the Tory male MP who presumed to criticise Slut Single Mothers in 1974 in his Edgbaston speech had his career destroyed. So perhaps you could say that real manhood died in 1974. Just think, sluts in Britain have not been criticised by men for at least 41 years!

If you criticise a slut, this is what will probably happen to you.

Dude loses his mind over breastfeeding mother.Dude loses his mind over breastfeeding mother. Early nominee for WORST GUY of 2016? ~Bryan
Posted by 101.9 The Fox on Monday, 4 January 2016

Are Western women the secret weapon ISIS are using against Western men?

It is a woman's prerogative to change her mind - "Come to Germany, oh, no, don't come to Germany! Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no .... ", but is it a man's?

What do feminists say? Does gender equality apply in this case? If it does not, then surely the whole question of gender equality is a complete nonsense?

So there we have it: ISIS are Muslim men who are consistently terrorising the West and declaring their intention to invade it, while the West is full of men afraid of immoral and vacillating women anxious to show their compassion to everyone but their own men, who don't know their own mind and keep changing it.

Now, who do you think will win "the war on terrorism"?

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