
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

White man Andrew Marr stuffs his words into mouth of yellow woman Hsiao-Hung Pai

From 20th minute.

The journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai focuses on the most marginalised sector of the white working class - the British far right.

"Always fascinated with racism."

"Deep sense of alienation and isolation"

"feel very much like outsiders in their own society"

Marr: "a country of outsiders"

"great sense of marginalisation"


urban decay

"lack of opportunity"

De-industrialisation of Luton when Vauxhall left. Not solely economic factors, but mainly economic.
Nobody could explain Englishness, probably not even Jake Rees-Mogg himself.

Britain First an online phenomenon mainly.

EDL in decline since Tom Robinson left. Splintering of the group, getting smaller and more violent.
Pegida anti-Islam and anti-Muslim. Violence against refugees and Muslims.

Marr asked about Britain First's Christian marches. She didn't understand the question though he asked her twice.

Precariat mentioned. They have no sense of identity or solidarity with each other.

Listen to her incoherent answer to the final question at the 38th minute.


Having looked at all the people who have lost out and are angry white people, what would be your advice to politicians listening to this conversation worrying about the next big swathe of jobs that are going to disappear? What should they be doing?


That's such a big question for me. I think the Far Right will have a bigger voice and will feel more confident in expressing themselves when the government practises policies that victimise refugees and migrants. When governments put forward those policies, the Far right has more say. We see that happening in Britain already.


And in Britain and in Germany politicians are simply scared of the consequences of this level of migration - they are terrified - and therefore they are much less likely to, as it were, confront the Far Right. 

HHP [cowed by the host of the show so BLATANTLY STUFFING HIS WORDS INTO HER MOUTH]:

Uh huh. And ... um ... [laughs after giving up] ... You said it.


I must stop enfolding answers in my questions. It is not good broadcasting.

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