
Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What Muslims think of Islam

5Pillars submitted a list of 352 influential British Muslims to market research company PCP to take part in a survey. The survey consisted of 95 statements pertaining to Islamic beliefs and practices categorised under 12 topic headings. From the 352 influential British Muslims, 150 completed the survey.

Sadly, missing were:

"Neoconservatism and Western Neo-Imperialism are evil and oppressive." 
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Muslims have a duty to fight or at least denounce Neoconservatism because it is evil and oppressive."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Only Islam is strong enough to eradicate Feminism, the source of Western degeneracy and dementia."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Muslims must help Islamophobes eradicate the evil of feminism to demonstrate the benefits of Islam."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Local councils, public bodies should be banned by law from boycotting “unethical” companies eg companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Local councils, public bodies should be banned by law from boycotting “unethical” companies eg companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Gay marriage and the civil partnership is cursed by God who also curses all MPs who voted to legalise this abomination." 
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"The degenerate, decadent and decaying state of Western civilisation and morality is what Islam would have prevented."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Only Islam can regenerate the degenerate West."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Neoconservatism which implements the Wolfowitz Doctrine is more violent and militarily aggressive than any verse in the Koran, including"
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Liberalism didn't say nuke two Japanese cities, but Liberals did it anyway.Therefore the warfare Liberals practice is more violent and vindictive than any verse in the Koran."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"Islamic methods of punishment (eg capital and corporal punishment) is an excellent way to ease prison over-crowding and save taxpayers money."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

" would abolish the Equality Act 2010 because the Koran is against thoughtcrime and compulsion in belief."  
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

" is an excellent way of shaming sluts and must be implemented as soon as possible to prevent the West becoming even more degenerate and demented."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

" means that a flat rate income tax of 20% is what all civilised Islamic nations  interpreting the Koran correctly ought to have."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

"  means slavery and brothels would be legal in an Islamic State interpreting the Koran correctly."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

Because Muslims are required to agree a marriage contract before they marry, this would immediately and implicitly abolish no fault divorce and prevent a gold-digger wife from taking half her husband's property and depriving him of his children no matter how bad her own behaviour. If marriage is a contract, then divorce is breach of contract which automatically includes fault."
Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree Nor Disagree/Disagree/Disagree Strongly

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