
Saturday, 21 January 2017

Review of Mark Collett's Fall of Western Man

Make no mistake, this is a mature work by Mark Collett who has taken a sabbatical from politics and in the meantime analysed the problems of British nationalism since his expulsion from the BNP.  If you did not know that he was once a senior member of the BNP, I like to think that you too could read it and nod in agreement to most of this frankly unobjectionable book if you were already concerned about the moral and social health of this country. 

Jews are only mentioned once in the context of the Holocaust Denial. The existence of this crime in 14 countries makes it almost impossible for the gentile Westerner to even tentatively raise the question of his own national interest without being shouted down as a Nazi and the discussion abruptly and brutally ended. 

Collett repeatedly refers to the enemies of the West and I asked him whom these might be. His response was "the politicians, the bankers, the money lenders and those who control the media. The people with a liberal, feminist and anti-western agenda."

Other races are praised for their ability to practise marriage and family values, and the indigenous white proletariat implicitly criticised for not so doing in sufficient numbers.

Cleverly and surprisingly, Collett uses Freud's structural model of the psyche to explain the current moral and emotional state of the British Nation as if he were a patient on a couch.

Collett's analysis of the songs of Bill Hailey, Katie Perry and Lady Gaga in the context of the slippery slope argument cannot be gainsaid. Worthwhile points were also made on cinema and soap.

There is even a soulful examination of the soul of the British nationalist.

The most politically useful chapter is Collett's devastating critique of Conservatism as a hopelessly inadequate substitute for Nationalism and I particularly enjoyed the military metaphors used.

Libertarianism is also demolished but it hardly needs demolishing when we already know what spoilt brats and potheads rich kids who take up libertarianism are, incapable of organising a piss-up in the proverbial brewery.

It must be borne in mind that Conservatism was really a term that came into being as a defensive reaction to the ideas of the French Revolution. As political ideologies, both Conservatism and Liberalism are fairly new ideas in the context of human history, and will doubtless go the way of Communism onto the scrapheap of tried and failed political ideologies.

Conservatism was in essence about using only homeopathic elements of theocracy and divine law, but without now even acknowledging or ever discussing this in case liberals and feminists in the 21st century get "triggered" by the idea of obeying the sexual restrictions as stated in the Bible and the Koran.

Let us remember that it was a supposedly Conservative and Christian Prime Minister who legalised gay marriage, heedless of the Biblical prohibitions against sodomy, quite unconcerned that he was sanctifying something God if He exists would have regarded as an abomination. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury protested feebly against gay marriage and then eventually decided to let it all wash over him, and no one cared or said anything much.

Not only has the British establishment forgotten its Judeo-Christian heritage, it is actively seeking to erase all traces of it by promoting policies that promote even greater sexual liberation, gender confusion and degeneracy. 

An omission in this book in my view is how a nationalist social and political reformer would go about addressing these ills in practical terms of legislative change. This is something I hope Collett will address in his next book.

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