
Saturday, 25 February 2017

BBC barred from White House briefings

It takes time to sink in, a bit like being suddenly abandoned by your spouse, perhaps. The shock and shame of it is so intense you don't quite know how to announce it to the people who really do need to know, like the children, your parents or your neighbours.

I can imagine the top brass at the BBC bending their minds this weekend trying to present this latest development in the best possible anti-Trump light.

But the BBC is a dead man walking, having been delegitimised in a single stroke in the way samurai warriors were known to be able to cut a man in half with a single stroke of the sword.


JF said...

They deliberately didn't report the Trump shun on Newsnight.

Instead they attacked Corbyn.

The liberal left, attacking Corbyn.

KC said...

They want the Blairites back in control.

JF said...

That's exactly what they want.

IZ said...

I think the focus on Corbyn was part of a predictable reaction to the by-election results in Stoke and Copeland.

Trump's ban on the BBC was being discussed on the BBC news last night - and satisfying it was too to see their shocked expressions instead of their usual gurning whenever news about Trump is being reported.

Claire Khaw said...

Was it? It wasn't on Newsnight.

IZ said...

Newsnight tends to just focus on just a few items in detail. I saw it earlier - on BBC1, I think - and Laura Kuenssberg was being asked by the woman in the studio if she knew the reason for the ban.

Claire Khaw said...

There was nothing there.

Claire Khaw said... is the only thing I can find

IZ said...


It was on BBC News Channel ten minutes ago. First there was a film from the conservative conference where Trump attacked the NY Times, then a report from outside the Spicer press briefing from which BBC etc were banned.

Claire Khaw said...

It was quite a short and only said the minimum.

Sky News managed to interview Steven Erlanger of the NYT.

IZ said...

Well, I heard it first from the BBC.

Claire Khaw said...

Yes, thank you. I just want to hear them discussing it with each other in agonised tones of outrage and shock and so far this has not yet happened!

IZ said...

I think the element of shocked surprise was present last night, probably not now.

KC said...

They are acting as if they do not understand why Trump kicked them out.

AB said...

RIP Deep State Fake News Media Outlet.

KC said...

The BBC seems to carry on regardless as if it can't help itself. It is packed with liberal elitists completely out of touch with ordinary people. If I was running a public funded operation that kept appearing on memes such as the below then I would be very concerned about my and the organisations future. However these people can't help themselves. as far as they are concerned, they are right and the common people should get back in their place.

AB said...

They weren't reporting it all last night....then later hid it in the 2nd last paragraph of their Fake News report on the Mexican wall. They are all over the place now they have been outed as nothing better than The Sun.

Christine Ramsay said...

Are you OK, Hun?

Claire Khaw said...

I'm fine, thanks. And you, Christine?

Failures of communication and comprehension

1:00  Speakers Corner 2:00  Hatun Tash 4:00  Posie Parker 7:00  Trump's foreign policy 8:00  Zelensky 9:00  Neocons 12:00  Starmer 13:00...