
Monday, 22 May 2017

Cucked Western men protest against feminism by calling themselves non-feminists instead of anti-feminists

Logically, the option is not choosing between being NEUTRAL about something and being FOR it.

It must be between being AGAINST something and FOR it.

An attribute of feminisation in men is poor reasoning abilities and denial, a feminine vice.

If you are afraid of your enemy, you understandably refrain from making overt declarations of hostility.

Beta male victims of feminism, like women, only have the power to withhold, for they no longer have the power to strive and obtain.

This contemptible trait in cucked Western men is precisely what Muslim radicals despise.

They reasonably conclude that allowing their male offspring to marinate in the degenerate values and practices of the matriarchy would eventually result in their male descendants becoming cucked beta male victims of feminism and their female descendants becoming promiscuous women and unmarried mothers, submitting to the stinking degenerate matriarchy rather than to truth, logic and morality.

To cultures known for practising the civilising traditions of marriage and family values, the very idea that their descendants will be born illegitimate of unmarried mothers who casually conceived them and who will parent them badly is a prospect dreadful and disgraceful.

I am very much aware that what I am proposing is blasphemy in our matriarchy. There was once a time when heretics were burned. Even if this penalty is not these days inflicted, men have all sorts of considerations to take into account, eg their sex partner's wrath and their probable withdrawal of sexual access thus making domestic life uncomfortable if not insufferable.

Not having a wife or potential sex partners whom I fear will withdraw sexual access if I offend her or their political sensibilities, I am probably the best placed person in the entire West to lead the campaign to re-establish the patriarchy.

Sadly, Western Man is now so cucked he won't consider availing himself of this unmissable opportunity because he is afraid of being associated with me and my idea of imposing a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

Wishing to wound but afraid to strike: this is a very much a feminine predicament.

The men vanquished by women would inevitably take on the mindset of their conquerors and become themselves feminised in their thinking and behaviour. Very sad. This means men really just become women with penis extensions, effectively becoming incapable of defending either a principle much less their nation. This will embolden and encourage our enemies.

Men need a safe space to discuss this amongst yourselves. Women will always want standards of sexual morality to be comfortably low because it is women who get knocked up and are left holding the baby.

Only men actually prepared to make the sacrifices of being an ANTIFEMINIST and uncompromisingly calling for the return of patriarchy through obeying the rules of marriage (ie no extramarital sex) will have the will to power.

The cucks of the West will have no concept of the heroic ideal. These days most Western men are unprincipled and spineless worms with no masculinity to insult, easily cowed by threats or persuaded by bribes, but fungible units of consumption cucked by their atheism and their indifference to principle and posterity.

They will make weak complaining noises and eventually fade away and expire without issue.

Come to think of it, men are now too cucked to even dare ask for a safe space for themselves.

If any of their number should even dare to propose this, they will be shot in the back by the cucks.

What I have described above is the reality of how cucked Western men are, is it not?

Even now  they are hiding under the skirts of woman instead of doing it for yourselves.

Men against feminism should tell women against feminism their views don't and won't matter because they can defeat the matriarchy without their support

Feminism has utterly destroyed the quality of masculinity of Western Man.

The reason why feminists demand that their countries take in migrant Muslim men is because they instinctively know they would be rather raped by them than willingly fuck or breed with such a sorry bunch of self-abnegating cucks.

Who are these European women in effect asking for Muslim migrant men to enter their countries and penetrate their vaginas? They would be the female voters of child-bearing age who voted for Macron and will be voting for Merkel this September.

Nearly half of young French voters backed Marine Le Pen, projections suggest Far-right candidate receives support from just 20 per cent of over-65s MORE ELDERLY FEMALE VOTERS THAN ELDERLY MALE VOTERS

French election: Emmanuel Macron's marriage to an older woman key to his appeal with voters MACRON: THE MOST HIGH STATUS CUB A COUGAR COULD HAVE

Why men will never get back their country again as long as democratic politicians keep chasing the female vote

Migrant fucking sluts


DT said...

At this point in time I reserve my right to neither condemn or condone Feminism or Masculism.

Claire Khaw said...


DT said...

The only place I see men being vanguished by woman is in child access after separation, 30 years ago I used to consider myself a feminist but never felt feminised by it at all!. As for not being able to defend the nation ( and doing that is v debatable for me) I was no less or more able to be violent than I was before being a male feminist!.

Claire Khaw said...


JC said...

You can't be a man and a feminist

Claire Khaw said...


You can't be a rational and moral woman and be a feminist.

FD said...

I disagree. To be in the middle ground is to be questioning each side. Questions are important. To question everything, feminism, anti-feminism, liberalism, conservativism. I think the middle ground is a very valid place to be and would look askance at anyone pushing me to pick a side.

specifically regarding feminism, this view point has more validity. If we replaced the word feminism with the word "Nazism" it would be much more clear cut whether you're a Nazi or not. Because Nazism is horrible to the core. We don't yet all believe that feminism is horrible to the core, therefore all the wavering back and forth. I think most people who "aren't sure" if their feminists or not want to stick on the feminist side to hedge their bets in case feminism is actually synonymous with being good to women.

DT said...

100% agree!

Claire Khaw said...


JC said...

Feminism advances the interests of a small minority of women at the expense of men in general and the majority of women. It was progressive to begin with but has nothing positive about it now. Women suffer more than men, I think, and it's only going to get worse

Claire Khaw said...

If men are too afraid to honestly consider and discuss what needs to be done, they might as well not bother.

DT said...

Omg if a man becomes a feminist or not has no baring on his essential nature and how he feels about violent confrontation!

Claire Khaw said...


DT said...

There is NOTHING about my 'noises' that is weak, 'and uncompromising calling for the return of patriarchy (didn't know it had gone) through obeying the rules of marriage (ie no extra marital affairs)'' . Do you think all we have to do is go backwards towards a stronger patriarchal system that woman will be too afraid or something to have an affair?, and an overly patriarchal system such as used to be the case puts men in a position over woman and encourages an attitude in men that they have some right to have extra marital affairs!.

Claire Khaw said...


DT said...

I question feminism, anti feminists, masculinism anti masculinism etc

Claire Khaw said...


DT said...

Shit Claire you are coming to some strange conclusions!.

Claire Khaw said...

Just laying it on the line and giving it to you with both barrels, cuck.

DT said...

So some people are shagging, some are prostituting themselves, what's that got to with 'feminists supposedly asking their countries to take in Muslim men, and EVEN if they were, they could of been doing it cos they can see how bad men are having it in the mess in N.Africa

Showing yours, using the Daily Mail, now shows to me why you think the way you do! Carry on adding 2+2 and getting 22

Claire Khaw said...


BR said...

You only need to look at how women traditionally vote to see where their priorities lie.
Women will mostly vote for leftist candidates.

If one wanted to psychoanalyse that, one could say: They vote for a welfare state because they want to be 'looked after', a role that used to be done by men, but has now been usurped by the state.

They vote for mass immigration

1. Because they vote with their feelings/heart and not with their logic/head.

2. As Claire has written, because they (probably subconsciously) long for the masculinity that has been lost amongst men in their own societies.

Whether those theories are true or not, nobody knows. But it's peculiar to witness that women continue to vote in much the same way, despite what's been occurring. It's gotten so bad that I, as a woman, sometimes wish women weren't given the vote at all. And while this is an impractical step, one can't argue that the pendulum hasn't swung too far in favour of women and needs to be scaled back.

Feminists did not denounce what happened in Cologne. They merely took it upon themselves to go on another 'men bashing' tirade; seemingly forgetting that such things hadn't happened before. Women in leftist organisations have been known to tell rape victims to keep quiet or lie when the perpetrators are non white/immigrant. And feminist women have done so (such as that lady who said Germans raped her before the truth came out and another who apologised to her 'refugee' rapist because he 'had it rough' and might get deported).
Whether you like it or not, there's a strange pattern forming of feminists throwing other women under the bus.

There's no need to get so triggered and start throwing buzzwords around because someone has come to a different conclusion to you and shared a source you don't like.

EAM said...

No am not ----- not a traditionalist either --- don't like any ideology---- ideologies are evil & cause division ----

Claire Khaw said...


WWR said...

It's obvious that Claire Khaw is a misandrist and a troll, she has no respect for men, and is obviously here to troll and insult men.

Claire Khaw said...

Damn right I have no respect for cucks.

TP said...

It is not fear, it is self-preservation. There are huge negative consequences socially and career wise to coming out as anti-feminist.

Claire Khaw said...

So let me do it for you instead of relying on BMVOF Mike Buchanan.

Self-preservation kicks in when you are afraid.

WWR said...

Not all men are cucks and you know it, you are just trolling, and looking like a moron.

Claire Khaw said...

You are one if you won't come out as anti-feminist.

TP said...

"Cuck" is just a term for a man beaten down by misandrist feminist culture who has lost self-respect and is so indoctrinated he doesn't realise it. It is not cowardice it is Stockholm Syndrome.

Claire, I want more men to come out as anti feminist too, but bullying them into it is not going to help. It is currently something that can expose you to enormous problems in life, which I don't think you appreciate the extent of.

Claire Khaw said...

I do, and that's why I am offering to speak on your behalves, but you are all too cucked to accept my offer, I know.

TP said...

Are you trolling? I am not cucked, I am outspoken about this to literally everyone I know to the point of obsession almost. And I am telling you, it hasn't helped my life one bit, it has harmed it. But I do it anyway because it is something I care about. But I don't expect everyone else to go through that tunnel of shit. If you want to speak on our behalf, that is always encouraged too, no-one is stopping you.

Claire Khaw said...

I am serious about speaking on your behalves.

EH said...

Claire is an extremist with huge stamina for arguing on FB.

TP said...

Do it then Claire!

Claire Khaw said...

I need more followers, especially acknowledged followers.

EH said...

In fairness rational and moral women do exist, Paglia, Sommers, Young, McElroy...

Claire Khaw said...

Sommers still calls herself a feminist.

None of them will discuss slut shaming.

TP said...

They may be rational and moral on the whole, but if they go by the label of feminist then they are denying the misandry which has ALWAYS been an integral part of the movement. I like people like Sommers, I respect her a lot, but there is still a blind spot there.

EH said...

I think that their calling themselves feminist is problematic because it gives a shield to the rest of them.

Claire Khaw said...

I am prepared to risk prison on your behalves. How about that?

TP said...

Do so then!

Claire Khaw said...

I need to be acknowledged as representing men who agree with me.

TP said...

You will be automatically if you make the news, which would happen if you went to jail for the cause.

Claire Khaw said...

I need the publicity first. If I have no official and acknowledged followers I won't get the publicity.

TP said...

First? You would get the publicity if you went to jail for the cause. I'm not sure you are really serious though.

Claire Khaw said...

What would you like to be done and said that Mike Buchanan is currently not doing?

TP said...

Why don't you decide? You said you are willing to go to jail for this, there are plenty of things you could do to draw attention to the cause if that is your attitude, numerous things, but I am hardly going to conspire to commit crime with you on facebook! It is your personal decision, depends how far you want to go!

Claire Khaw said...

I have no intention of committing a crime, merely explore the boundaries of free speech.

TP said...

You don't go to jail unless the authorities consider you to have committed a crime!

Claire Khaw said...

We know that the authorities are not above changing the rules while the game is still in play.

DT said...

I'm not a feminist. I'm an egalitarian. I want equal rights for everyone.

Claire Khaw said...

It is the greatest injustice to treat unequal things equally.

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...