
Monday, 19 June 2017

My definitions of masculinity and slut

Masculinity is not really about appearances, I would argue, but a state of mind prepared to uncompromisingly maintain and defend patriarchal moral values. By this definition no Western man is a man at all. At least, I do not know any man prepared to shame sluts to uncompromisingly support marriage - the essential ingredient of patriarchy.

My definition of a slut would include any woman who has had premarital sex. Since this definition would include the overwhelming majority of women including my female friends and myself, I conceived of a term that would distinguish between the suspected sex offender - the "mere" slut - and the convicted sex offender - the Slut Single Mother with illegitimate offspring.

Assuming that my definitions are terminologically correct, Western civilisation is clearly in a bad way.

This being so, only an Iranian-style one party theocracy would regenerate the degenerate West. Since this is about as unlikely to happen as a junkie calling the cops on his drug-dealer, it does appear that the collapse of Western civilisation will continue apace, to be replaced by Islam, when Westerners realise the following:

1) Orthodox Judaism is too high maintenance for degenerate atheists.

2) Christianity is kaput.

3) When you have eliminated impossible, then whatever is left, however improbable must be the answer: Islam is the answer.

4) If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism must be "Islam Lite". Secular Koranism is the Chicken Tikka Masala of Islam I have specially created for the British and is my gift to them. (I am well aware that most atheist British nationalists who prefer to celebrate their sexual liberation and fill their boots till they die will return my gift unopened, and this is why I predict that Western civilisation will continue to have its mind and body enfeebled by increasingly concentrated amounts of toxic feminism.)

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