
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

My solution to the problem of the Guardian reader whose wife refuses to work yet demands a cleaner

bitter beta male blames wife for house prices rising.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw My advice to this man is to ask his wife why he shouldn't divorce her first before she divorces him.

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle he explains that he can't afford a divorce

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle this is why a lot of middle class couples stay together.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I know, but he can threaten her with it and make his feelings clear. The best threats are the ones you don't have to carry out.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "We need to talk."

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle he should think himself lucky that she hasn't left him already.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "I cannot help noticing that lately you have not been happy. I have a few grievances I would like to air too, but you go first."

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle ungrateful pig

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle those conversations don't go anywhere

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The worst that could happen is what he fears, but it would hurt her too. Mutually Assured Destruction.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The point is to manage it so it seems fair enough. Let's role play. You role play her and I him.

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· 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle he doesn't appreciate how difficult looking after children and a home is and he never will

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "But darling, the children have all grown up and have moved out years ago! Whatever do you mean?"

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle looking after children is 24/7 and i have worked twice as hard as you and I deserve a retirement.

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle sitting on a train for a few hours is relaxing me-time compared to looking after children and doing all the drudge work in the house.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "But I am already in my 60s and we already have grandchildren!"

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "My work is not getting easier and I fear our retirement will not be as comfortable as we would wish it to be if we don't make savings where we can. You can do a bit of cleaning, can't you, darling? With the Brexit chaos and all, we all have to tighten our belts, don't we, dear?"

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "I know you are one of the ladies who lunch, but you could easily be one of the ladies who clean the house she before she lunches, couldn't you, darling?"

· Reply · 1 hr
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle I given up my life and any hopes of ever having a career or income even close to anything you (after years of working your way up the ladder) are capable of earning, and I did this order to take care of the people I love, I had the children and you and my parents to look after, in a recent study it was revealed that parenting children (a job I have done single handedly as you, do an 8 hour day and have a further 6 hours of travel) is equivalent to 2.5 full time jobs, and is actually 24/7, no respite as you are constantly on call, I also had elderly parents to take care of, and let me tell you looking after the elderly is no picnic, its hard, dirty, physical and emotionally draining work. You have worked hard but get to come home and switch off, if you add up all the hours of work including on call work with kids, you will find I have already worked twice the years you'll ever be able to. I have simply done my time and with very little thanks I have worked herself tirelessly into retirement, you simply need to keep on working till you have caught me up.

· Reply · 1 hr
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "And I have provided for you all these years and sired your children. While there is no doubt that you have done all those things, we are all as good as the last job we did. Please reflect on what I have been saying, my dear, and ask yourself when was the last time you did something for me that was not what you would also do for yourself such as making dinner."
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "You had to look after your parents and I did move here so you could more easily do it. *I* moved here so *you* could look after *your* parents."
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle you have benefited from my efforts when I was taking care of your children and the house. This allowed you to concentrate on your career. Now I am older and tired, your only concern is that she iI am too expensive to get rid of.
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle who do you think runs the household (groceries, arranging maintenance, sorting bills, insurance etc) the smooth running of our home by me is taken hugely for granted by you.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "We must make the best of the situation. I doubt you will be able to attract a much better husband than me at this stage of life, especially if they find out that you are not even prepared to help us both have a more comfortable retirement."
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "I am taking for granted that there would be a division of labour in this partnership. You run the home and I bring home the bacon. Our retirement bacon would be bigger if we didn't have to give the cleaner so many slices of of it."
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle it's only 30 quid a week for a cleaner
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw 'How many years have we had the cleaner, dear? I hate to quote Tesco, but "every little helps".'
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "You know I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think circumstances warranted it. Now, as for my grievances, I find your attitude and manner towards me leaves something to be desired. Your swearing and accusations I find hurtful and execrable. I fear that you may have too much to drink at lunch, and suspect you may even continue to drink after you have returned home. Is this the case, my dear?"
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle don't have time to drink, I'm too busy washingyour clothes, grocery shopping, cooking your meals, picking up dog poo
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle perhaps I should take a few years to retrain and then I could get a job, you can look after the home while I study?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "I don't believe I have ever sworn at you in our entire married life and I find it dismaying that you should now start swearing at me. I honestly don't think I will be able to put up with this kind of behaviour, particularly when you refuse to pull your weight after I have made known our circumstances to you. I am no longer a wealthy man with the prospect of a comfortable retirement with a loving wife, it would appear."
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle who is swearing??
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "You do not wash my clothes, you put them in the washing machine and take them out and put them in the spin dryer afterwards. As for grocery shopping, you mean you order online and are in when they are delivered. The cost of pets is prohibitive with a shrinking pension. When Churchill finally goes, there will be no replacement. If we don't watch out, we may have to end up eating it for food like some unfortunate Chinese people had to in times of famine."
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "The Guardian says you are swearing, my dear!"

· Reply ·
· 39 mins
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq This is why elders say eat less, sleep less, talk less, leave the group less.

Or in this case consume less, less big comfort items where things rest on, less arguing and having things in the house that talk to us like TV etc, and less going out in general or deciding to leave family.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "I suppose you could try to find work at the local M&S. They seem to like mature employees, but not if you swear at anyone who criticises you."
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq Ah he listened to his wife for her parents. I get what you mean of beta male.

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· 37 mins
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle I'm going to run away with Ummer Farooq

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· 36 mins
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq Only if you're telling the truth.

But it is unfortunate for him. As men like him end up suicide. This is why elders say to leave for 3 days, 40 days, 4 months in the path of time. ...See more
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw He could convert to Islam!

· Reply ·
· 33 mins
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq Someone has to find him and personally invite him. Guess I shall go and make worship and prayer for this man and his family life so that someone could invite him and he join, which is up to him.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw He could threaten to convert to Islam!

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· 31 mins
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw And say after conversion the mosque will find him a wife!

· Reply ·
· 30 mins
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle he can't afford another wife.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Mosques are very good about these things. You basically convert and then ask the mosque to find you a wife or husband.
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle cheaper to pony up for the cleaner
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw A threat could still work, the threat of mutually assured destruction ....
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Women always back down in the end.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Not me, of course, but most women do. Most men do too.
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle he should be grateful that she hasn't left his sorry ass.
Beyonce Castle
Beyonce Castle whiny little prick
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The point is to show indifference to her threats.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Oh, I thought you were on his side!
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Perhaps as a lifelong Guardian reader he deserves hell from her.

· Reply ·
· 27 mins
Claire Khaw
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq Well at 60 ... He coulf have had a daughter in law. And retired. Some 60 year old die. Before they get to 70.

There's being greatful and then there's being old. His wits end, might truly be his end.
Ummer Farooq
Ummer Farooq And when one gets to 60 one is no longer little.

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