
Friday, 1 September 2017

The difference between R and K type humans

Millennial Woes' response to Kraut is inadequate and incomplete because unlike me, he is not quite brave enough to challenge feminism and the matriarchy it has created before Western Man can get his country back from the forces of the international matriarchy. The degeneracy it causes with its feminist policies that support sexual liberation together with neoconservatism and neo-liberalism is what keeps Western Man stupid, scared and skint.

Sadly, however for Western Man, he is now unable to bear his vices nor their cure.

The cure for his vices is religion or a rational and robust legal system based on the principles of Secular Koranism, but it seems he would rather die of his vices of Anger, Pride, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed and Envy than take the obvious cure for them.

If religion was ever the opium of the people of patriarchy, extramarital sex is the opium of the men of the matriarchy. Western Man now worships the Fornicating Slut because she is now the only source of his pleasure and personal validation for the unthinking degenerate who is also the unprincipled atheist libtard who is easily bribed and threatened, as easily as unsupervised children are bribed by toys, games and sweets by a sex predator.

Sadly, so sadly, these apparently grown men do not understand that they are the willing victims of the sex predator that is the fornicating slut.

Nationalism cannot exist in a patriarchy because no matriarchy will produce enough good men to defend the national interest against the preferences of the immoral woman and unmarried mother with variously fathered illegitimate offspring.

The West is certainly and undeniably a matriarchy.

A patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers that invests in the parenting of the next generation.

A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers that casually conceives and casually abandons their offspring.

If people deserve the government they get, what kind of government does a society of sluts, bastards and their enablers deserve?

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