
Thursday 14 September 2017

Why John Collins calls Millennial Woes a "pimp" and an "emotional manipulator"

The awful truth is that the alt-right represent the lower orders. For all the usual social reasons of snobbery and expecting the poor, lowly and uneducated to suffer, their complaints would be dismissed anyway. Also there has in British political life disappeared all sense of noblesse oblige in the political classes. Since the Tories do not get the proletariat supporting them, they don't feel they owe them anything. Labour might just care about you say if you are a member of a trade union - what is called the aristocracy of labour. If you are unskilled manual labour like most of these unemployed and unemployable subscribers to Millennial Woes, then forget it. At least I care enough about them to tell them exactly what the problem is, while Millennial Woes is only interested in keeping up the number of his subscribers and pandering to them rather than telling them the scale of what needs to change for any improvement to come about.When I try to air these issues, he censors me, forbids to ask him questions and forbids his followers on to ask questions about me on pain of being blocked. Recently he has also blocked me on

Sadly for the unskilled urban proletariat, even their putative leaders exploit them. 

When you compare the community and culture of Jews, Muslims and other races with what passes for culture in the godless white urban unskilled proletariat, you know what these vulnerable young men - fatherless, barely educated, barely employable, socially awkward and prone to depression - are up against.

It really is like tipping a cripple out of his wheelchair and ordering him climb a mountain.

Millennial Woes predicts and expects race war within ten years and expects them to fight and win it.

The worst betrayal they suffered was at the hands of the Labour Party, however.  They have been all but utterly abandoned by the party that was supposed to look after their interests because Labour is now stuffed with feminazis who despise these beta male victims of feminism and are only interested in warehousing and sweeping them under the carpet out of the way and criminalising them if they dare to complain.

Courageous Jewish men - Keith Joseph and Maurice Glasman - have said what was needed to be said, but the result of doing that was that they had their careers destroyed by the feminazis and their running dogs and of course no support at all from the antisemitic proles whose behaviour they were ultimately trying to correct.

Millennial Woes: Do not follow him to ruin by John Collins  - 25 August 2017
Contains messages referring to the ex-girlfriend of Millennial Woes
This so-called "emotional abuse" Woes is alleged to have inflicted on her is probably no more than neglect and indifference. It seems his ex now has a man interested in her but she still regards Woes as the more interesting man and is therefore prioritising him. For this reason, it appears, this man has now gone running to Collins in order to embarrass Woes. If I am wrong in my analysis, no doubt someone will correct me.

Why I called Millennial Woes a pimp by John Collins  - 26 August 2017

When I spoke to John Collins on 27 August I had not seen his video of 25 August 2017.

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Dr Mariche, psychologist and historian on the Caliphate and Empire

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