
Thursday, 14 September 2017

My comments on The Poisonous Mantra of Individualism by Mark Collett

Collectivism just means the ability to co-operate with each other and being prepared to follow a leader. That's all it means. Sadly, many nationalists are so demoralised they don't want a leader because they cannot be the leader, or know who is likely to be the leader and don't want to follow him.

If you look at a wolf pack, it would have an alpha male leader. This reluctance to even have a leader is something I have noticed in nationalists for quite a few years now. Having a leader means having to follow him, and having to follow him means embarking on a journey into unchartered territory, and most of them would rather stay home playing their video games or making YouTube videos.

The string that ties those sticks together Mark Collett was referring to  - that would be religion. Muslims have the string of Islam tying their sticks together and Jews have the string of Judaism tying their sticks together. Christians - or more accurately post-Christians - have the string of feminism and sexual liberation tying their sticks together, and it has already broken.

The foreign hordes believe in traditional marriage and the family and of course a group ideology called religion eg Judaism, Islam etc to keep them all together and a step ahead of the others. Sadly for Christians who started two World Wars, they have all rather had the stuffing knocked out of them after indulging in a post-war binge on wine, women and song and are now so hung over they can't think straight. All the things that would have kept Britain competitive ie selective education, laws that support marriage - instead of sink schools and gay marriage  - do not appear to be the concern of nationalists. Indeed, nationalists do not appear to be able to discuss these topics because they are almost all bachelors not interested in issues of parenting or anything at a practical level concerned with the next generation that might engage the attention of people outside nationalism.

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