
Tuesday, 17 October 2017

How social conservatives should deal with Liberal Jews in positions of influence in the West

The solution is to state the problem of liberalism and discredit liberals and liberalism which would include Liberal Jews.

It is easily demonstrated that liberalism caused feminism and feminism causes degeneracy. Degeneracy would adversely affect Jews living in the West too, causing them to give up the high-maintenance observance that is obviously beyond the degenerate to even understand, let alone practise. It would therefore be for the good of both Jews and gentiles that a government governing in the long term national interest kicks out feminism. Men both Jewish and gentile should cooperate to kick out feminism even if in the short to medium term they risk withdrawal of sexual access and even divorce under the insane rules of no fault divorce.

Any social conservative debating with a Liberal Jew should draw his attention to this truly magnificent denunciation of Liberal Jews by Melanie Phillips.

Dov Fischer, an adjunct professor of law and American orthodox rabbi:

We are socially conservative and economically capitalist because we take the Torah laws seriously. We give charity without the Government teaching us about morality because we are commanded to give. Contrary to stereotypes, we are brutally honest in business at great personal economic loss. We set aside a tenth of our earnings for charity. Our marriages are heterosexual. And several of us Orthodox rabbis even file amicus curiae briefs in the United States Supreme Court supporting religious positions taken by groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

It is so painful today for contemporary American Orthodox Jews to read daily media reports that typically ignore us, in an attempt to paint almost all Jews as liberal… Our organizations never get quoted. Our public affairs policy positions never get reported. Thus, for example, when an agglomeration of the most liberal left rabbis — the non-Orthodox rabbis — announce that they will not participate in a phone call with the President of the United States, the media splash the news. But why is “Dog Bites Man” news? These are the same Democrat liberal rabbis who fell over themselves to hail Obama, even as Obama allowed the United Nations to proclaim that Jews have no historical bond to any part of Jerusalem, even as Obama brushed off an anti-Jewish Radical Islamist terror attack at a kosher grocery in France as a case of “random violence,” even as Obama proceeded with the Iran deal. The bigger news story that the media fail to report is that the 1,000 members of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of America did not join in the boycott announcement. Nor did the Agudath Israel of America. Nor did the rabbinical body of the 140-synagogue National Council of Young Israel. Nor did the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, comprised of some 1,000 affiliated synagogues. Nor did the 200-plus rabbis of the Coalition for Jewish Values. The media blacked out the news that the majority of all seminary-ordained rabbis in the United States are Orthodox and that they gladly would participate in a phone call with the President of the United States.

In the same way, several Jewish organizations that historically were associated with protecting Jewish rights in the past have been taken over by the Democrats, converting them into de facto arms of the Left. The Anti-Defamation League, for example, now is run by a former Obama staffer, and he has turned ADL into a virtual Democrat mouthpiece. Similarly, an organization bearing the name of the precious youthful innocent Holocaust victim and heroine, Anne Frank, now is run by a former New Jersey Gay Marriage activist, an extreme leftist, and he now leverages the Anne Frank name to attack conservatives and Republicans, and runs around to media all-too-willing to give him a megaphone, calling exceptional conservative allies of the Jewish community and of Israel “anti-Semites.” 

What makes Jews hateful to the gentile is the perception that gentiles in their own land cannot mock or criticise the Jew because of Holocaust denial laws. The rule of law is so weak countries that allow Holocaust denial unofficially treat Holocaust denial as if it were a crime. It would be nice if there was at least one Jewish lawyer in Britain prepared to stand up for the rule of law as Alan Dershowitz does. Is that really too much to hope for?

My hope is that one day these ancestral hatreds of Jew and gentile will cease and Alison be given a part in Fiddler on the Roof. I can  just see Alison playing Golde, can't you?

Even Jews themselves have got into trouble over Holocaust denial laws the most prominent of which is the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu himself.

Natanyahu said. “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, but only to expel them.

Another prominent Jew who got into trouble over Holocaust denial is Rabbi Mizrachi.

Mizrachi suggested the behavior of non-religious Jews as a cause for Nazi atrocities and warned that slack observance could bring about “further tragedy.”

Catholic Church a haunt for gay men since the 1940s, according to Michael Voris.

The problem has always been with Assimilated Jews and a corruptible and corrupt priesthood ie people who ignore and then forget the founding principles of their religion/ideology in the heedless pursuit of short-term expediency.

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark. 

Those who think the Third Temple should be built clearly have not learned from history. Let us hope they will not be condemned to learn its harsh lessons again.  The Al-Aqsa Mosque is therefore fine where it is.

The Liberal Jew can be equated with the elitist Sadducees so eager to collaborate with their Roman overlords and be Hellenised. Such a Jew would be sexually liberated and indifferent to the pain caused by neoliberal and neoconservative policies that cause social problems and provoke terrorism.

The Conservative Jew is analogous to the married taxpaying father trying to do his to do his best by his children and family while staying faithful to his traditions without which he knows he could not even be said to have traditions to be faithful to. Such a Jew would be inclined to and does in fact vote for anti-immigration parties even as he knows a significant number of its supporters are in fact anti-Semites.

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