
Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Jews fret over gentiles suffering family breakdown caused by rampant rampaging feminism

6th minute
Rabbi Sacks:

Why is family so important for community?

Robert Putnam:

It is the basis of community really. It is where we learn our skills dealing with other people, it is where we learn how to care for other people and it is the model for how we then reach out to the broader community ...

Rabbi Sacks [jumping in on the subject eagerly]:
So do you think the breakdown of the family over the past 50 years has had a negative impact on society as a whole?

Robert Putnam [warily and warningly]:

I don't want to get into the mode of getting moralitiscally critical of other kinds of family [waggling his hands apologetically and soothingly as if to appease the baying snarling feminazis he imagines to be screaming for his blood], single parent families and so on [How  many different kind of families are there? Families headed by two gay men bringing up daughters together? Families headed by two lesbians bringing up sons together? The mind boggles and God only knows, eh?] but I do think that the traditional family has an important advantages in terms of raising kids.

Maurice Glasman:

Politics is where you build a home together. 
Honour your relationships.

Rabbi Sacks says that the gentile community is in crisis. (Feminism, you see!)

He also says the community centre for the gentiles is the pub where they get drunk and get into fights with each other, but what can you do about people like that, eh?

Let's face it, guys and goyim. We must be in a pretty bad way if the Jews are worried about us. They are trying to help and warn us, but we are quite simply deaf, willfullyblind and heedless. 

Rabbi Sacks' nicey nicey videos with Jewish Harvard sociologists talking up the family are completely lost on the goyim who wouldn't dream of taking advice from the Archbishop of Canterbury, let alone a rabbi.

This message needs to be punched through by me with Rabbi Sacks and maybe also Melanie Phillips sitting around having a chat about putting the world to rights and socking it to them about what's wrong with the gentile and the disease of the mind he is suffering from before feminism completely rots his brain. 

Feminism threatens Jews too
Intersectionality is a code word for feminism

Alan Dershowitz, the renowned Jewish lawyer,  has noticed that intersectional feminism is the most virulent form of feminism. He has also noticed that it has identified Jews as the aristocracy of white people whom it wants to "de-privilege":

The linking of unrelated "victimizations," despite their tenuous connections, is reflective of a broader trend in hard-left politics, whereby increasingly, radical activists demand that the demonization of "Zionists"—often used as a euphemism for Jews – be included, indeed featured, in the package of causes that must to be embraced by anyone claiming the label of "progressive." Lumping seemingly disparate groups under the "umbrella of oppression" leads to the forming of alliances between causes that at best, have nothing to do with each other, and at worst, are averse to one another's stated mission. Their only common feature is that to join, they must demonize the nation state of the Jewish people.
Some intersectional feminists involved with the recent Women's March on Washington, for example, purport to be natural allies with anti-Israel Muslim groups that tolerate, if not accept, the "honor killings" and genital mutilation of women. Similarly, Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) – an organization that calls for "an end to violence against civilians, and peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East" – invited Rasmieh Odeh, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and convicted terrorist, to appear as a speaker at its national conference later this month.

Perhaps a few brave Jewish intellectuals will now dare to come forward to denounce feminism before it completely destroys Western civilisation. As I understand it, most Jews would prefer to stay where they are and do not want to have to flee to Israel, which is already very crowded and surrounded by angry Arabs and Muslims. It is therefore incumbent on them to advise the governments they are living under as to the necessity and urgency of a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism as well as the repeal of all feminist legislation to avert a slide into chaos and disorder in the West.

The Bhagavad Gita:

Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil.

I eagerly anticipate Rabbi Sacks' coming talks on the subject of Balaam and sexual immorality. The gentile is these days so degenerate that they only thing would grab his attention is to talk to him about sex, violence, pestilence and video games. If this doesn't get his attention, nothing will.

I came across Balaam when I was looking for prophets the Jews had accepted who were gentile, and he is one such. As yet there is no female and gentile prophet of the Jews, but you never know, it could be me! It really is wonderful imagining how proud my dear gentile parents would be if that happened.  

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