
Saturday, 7 October 2017

On the treatment of men by our matriarchy

Since when do the police investigate the dead? What is the purpose of doing so? The CPS has long ago stated that it cannot make charging decisions in relation to deceased persons. The costs of the investigation into Sir Edward Heath amounted to the annual payroll of 50 new police officers. Where does the public interest lie? The outcome, which must have been obvious, can only be to create and circulate an unfair slur.

(Letter to The Times from Jonathan Caplan QC, 6/10/17)

Feminazis want to discredit men.

No one should be convicted of a crime without a trial.

The dead can already be libelled, but there are those who want to try and find the dead guilty after expecting them to answer charges, hire lawyers, go into the witness box and answer questions, it seems. Shall we disinter the bones of Heath and put them in prison, as a warning to other dead men?

Have you noticed that only dead white men are subject to this treatment by our matriarchy?

That is because white women despise white men. Know thine enemy. Many white women despise men of their own race viscerally and cannot bring themselves to be fair, if they ever had a sense of justice to begin with, which is doubtful. White women despise confirmed bachelors, probably more than men despise ugly women who are mentally defective. Men who are obviously unable to control their women are despised by men of other religions and races, and regarded as ripe for exploitation and invasion. Even with the best will in the world, it is almost impossible to be respectful of the physically and morally feeble. This is where sexual liberation leads to.

Only forgetful, stupid and incompetent women investigate the alleged crimes of dead men and expect justice. What sex is our Prime Minister, Home Secretary, Director of Public Prosecution, Chairman of the Bar Council and Police Commissioner?

It was Doctor Pangloss who thought we live in the best of all possible worlds. It is probably right that MSN who allow such things deserve all the punishment they get. Their civilisation should indeed decline and fall and become extinct as a warning to others. They certainly deserve more punishment if they know what is happening and remain too afraid to speak out.

I have a question for Jewish thinkers: have most Westerners now become the Amalekites Jews have a religious duty to exterminate? As I understand it, the Amalekites were Neanderthals and Neanderthals were matriarchal in the sense that they did not practise marriage because in their time it had yet been invented. If the West goes the way it is currently going, blurring the distinctions between the married and unmarried and giving both the same rights, won't this process mean the uninvention of marriage itself? And if marriage were uninvented, would humanity not regress into the savage primitive state it used to be in before marriage was invented as mankind forgets all it ever learned? If the answer is yes, should not good men try to prevent this?

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