
Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Simon Sheppard answers some daft questions on the British, God, Jews, antisemitism, Christianity, feminism and his childhood

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How would you like to be introduced?

What would you most like me to ask you about?

Do you regret becoming involved in politics?

What is wrong with the British?*

How could feminism have been prevented and patriarchy maintained?

Was God invented by Man to protect himself from Woman?*
A Giddy Tour of Metapolitics

Do you have a favourite philosopher?

If a moral code benefits others at our cost, then it is unnatural, perverted. The only natural measure of a policy is whether it confers advantage – ‘What’s good for us.’ Anything else is abnormal. Revilo P. Oliver called this aberrant morality “perverted collective masochism” and interestingly, listed seven white traits which make us susceptible to it.

Are you prepared to talk about your childhood?

Are Jews white people?

How would you feel if you discovered your mother was a Jewess, as Peter Hitchens did?

Is Christianity inherently antisemitic?

Follow up questions:

In what way is antisemitism a misnomer?

Simon Sheppard:

Most Semites are not Jews and most Jews are not Semites. Many say the Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic.
What would you call antisemitism?

Simon Sheppard:

Why not just say "anti-Jew"?
Because it is a feature of Christianity to be antisemitic. This hatred was not racial just but also ideological.

Arabs who were Muslims were also a Semitic people. Both Jews and Muslims deny the Trinity. The Catholic Church forced Jews and Muslims to convert to Christianity and the Inquisition tortured them to see if they genuinely believed in Christ's divinity.

Simon Sheppard:

Jews invented the obfuscatory term "antisemitic" quite recently because they hate being identified as Jews. Part of their MO is to disguise themselves.
Surely when Jews accuse you of antisemitism, they break their cover? [Awaiting answer.]

Wrapping up

* Described by Simon Sheppard as a "daft question".


This is Simon Sheppard. Claire Khaw has asked me to record the answers to her questions. She has raised some interesting topics. Her first question is:

(1) How would you like to be introduced?

I'd really like to be known as a scientist. This is certainly what I am at the moment. I discovered a while ago that I have 116 citations, most of those of a paper I published in 1994, so I'm certainly qualified as one. Even 20 or 25 citations is considered very respectable.

(2) What would you most like me to ask you about?

What I'd most like to talk about is my work. However, it's too early to go public with it, and the information could be commercially valuable. It's a stressful time for me, because though things look promising, everything is still in the air. Contributing to the stress, there's possible fame or fortune. Most times you get one or the other, if you're really lucky you get both, in the worst case you get neither. So I'm keeping things close to my chest as long as possible.

(3) Do you regret becoming involved in politics?

This is a deep question, because it actually amounts to an age-old philosophical issue. Given two choices, which would you rather have? Either you can be happy and deluded, and go through life in blissful ignorance. Or you can know the truth, which makes you unhappy. I decided long ago that it was better to know the truth, however unpleasant, because that allows the problems causing the unhappiness to be solved. The first step to solving problems is to see the problem clearly.

(4) What is wrong with the British?

This is a bit of a daft question I think. The short answer is that there is nothing much wrong with the British: we are being exploited for our virtues. British people are normally civilised, polite and trusting. The Australian Andrew Fraser discussed white people's trusting nature in some book or other. It evolved to enable cooperation between people who are not directly related to each other. IIRC, he quotes the example of a village needing a new church bell. Such a thing is bought rarely, so there is little prospect of future cooperation between the church elders and the foundry, which is many miles away. Yet the vast majority of such arrangements succeed. Other cultures only trust members of their own kin group, which is one reason they favour marriages between cousins. The truth is that our good nature is being exploited, particularly by organised Jewry.

(5) How could feminism have been prevented and patriarchy maintained?

That's easy. If our forebears had followed traditional wisdom and prevented Jewish infiltration. Feminism is a Jewish creation.

This is a good point to describe the standard Jewish M.O., their modus operandi. These aren't my original thoughts: this came up in a review of Solzhenitzin's book Two Hundred Years Together. The Jews did the same thing in Russia as they are doing here. Jews portray their own racial agenda as moral imperatives which Gentiles ought to follow. Thus the things the Jews want us to do are portrayed as virtuous, and things which they think will threaten them (such as white solidarity, or nationalism) are portrayed as sinful.

Follow up question:

Are you saying that but for Jews feminism would never have come into existence?

Simon Sheppard:

Yes, absolutely. The wacky ideas of American Jewish women were treated uncritically and promoted by Jews in the British media. The Jewish women were mostly complaining about their treatment by Jewish men, but they generalised it, as Jews do, as if Gentiles were treating their women the same way. Jewish men routinely pray "Thank God I was not born a woman.
Surely many gentiles were also Male Chauvinist Pigs? [Awaiting answer.]

(6) Was God invented by Man to protect himself from Woman?

Now this is another rather daft question, but one that touches on some interesting matters.

First of all, it would be extremely arrogant of me to say that God is an invention. I'm not omniscient and any opinion I might have on the matter is worthless. I'm certainly not qualified to make an assertion.

There is a theory that God is a projection by man, that God is like an idealized man, a sort of alter ego. My attitude to religion was covered in my article 'A Giddy Tour of Metapolitics' which is online on the Heretical site. From an evolutionary perspective, religion is like a sort of cultural carrier bag preserving and reinforcing socially advantageous traits. For example, two socially advantageous policies contained in Christianity are the subordination of women and forgiveness.

(7) Do you have a favourite philosopher?

Not really. I'm thinking of Revilo P. Oliver but I'm not sure he counts as a philosopher.

(8) Are you prepared to talk about your childhood?

I don't have a problem talking about my childhood, only wonder if it's really relevant. I suppose I should be flattered that people are interested. My father left when I was 3, likely driven out, and I was brought up to hate my father by a bitter and mentally unstable mother. Later she married a Chinaman who couldn't speak English, and I have four half-Chinese brothers and sisters. It was peculiar when I started noticing certain trends in Amsterdam, it felt like I had come full circle, seeing the same things I experienced in my childhood. My mother eventually killed herself. Obviously there's a lot more to tell. I've had quite a traumatic life.

(9) Are Jews white people?

I would say definitely not. They are Asiatic I think. A Jewish defence witness at my trial for the Tales of the Holohoax made an interesting observation: that, say, a Lebanese Jew looks much more like other Lebanese than he resembles a British Jew. I would say this is similar to the cuckoo. The cuckoo adapts the colouring of its eggs to particular bird species. Ultimately it all comes down to behaviour. I can often tell when a piece of music or a book has been written by a Jew. I'm sure others can too.

This is how it works with matters of race, and I think this is an important process to understand. Suppose you have one black, or Jew or whatever, among a dozen whites. This could be in the workplace, school or wherever. Then there'll be little or no perceivable difference between the behaviour of the non-white and the whites, because essentially they are imitating. Non-whites and women are imitators. Later on, and for various reasons it will always be the case, there will be a larger number of non-whites, a higher proportion of them. Then with their increased number they will revert to kind. If you want to see how their kind behaves you only have to look at their home countries.

(10) How would you feel if you discovered your mother was a Jewess, as Peter Hitchens did?

I didn't know about that, maybe it was a shock! I don't think it would affect me that much, although how I'd have rationalised it say 5 years down the line I don't know. It wouldn't change the truth of what I know. In any case, there are a few Jews who are scathing of Jewish behaviour themselves.

Follow up questions I have put to Simon:

How would you have rationalised it away five years ago? What is the significance of five years ago?

Simon Sheppard:

No, I mean that I don't know how I'd have rationalised it to myself five
years down the line i.e. five years after the discovery.
What is this "Jewish behaviour" you say some Jews wish to escape from?

Simon Sheppard:

I'm only talking about Jews who are critical of Jewish behaviour e.g.Gerhardt Menhuin, that London jazz musician, Israel Shahak. The debate is more open in Israel.
(11) Is Christianity inherently antisemitic?

This is one way the church has betrayed us. The whole purpose of the church is to provide a bedrock of stable morality and cultural tradition. That cultural carrier bag again. If you look at John Chapter 8, Jesus himself tells the Jews "Ye are of your father the devil," there is no ambiguity or doubt that he's addressing the Jews. I suspect this is where the phrase "Spawn of Satan" came from. The churches all seem to be singing from the Jews' hymn sheet. It's very sad.

Simon Sheppard arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000 and the trouble with the alt-right of Britain

Simon Sheppard seems to be saying that the more feminised the male gentile becomes, the more susceptible he will be to his internal and external enemies because he will become more irrational and emotional thus intellectually crippling him from using truth and logic as his guide in order to protect himself. But I await Simon's comments about the accuracy of my description of what I think he said.


BH said...

I just wasted 17 minutes of my life waiting for Simon Shepherd to name the enemy. What's wrong with these people? Why can't they figure out that all major social changes and incidents on this planet, including the spectacular rise of feminism and the single slut mother, are MADE TO HAPPEN by the elite social engineers. They use their vast wealth to move the pieces on the grand chessboard, slowly and carefully thought out until finally they call checkmate on humanity. Shepherd hasn't got a clue who the enemy is.

The super rich have a plan and they don't care how long it takes to play out. This is the Fabian approach. The important thing for the elites is that their genetic lineage continues into the future, while others who might displace them from their perch at the top of the pyramid, never make it.

Short of divine intervention, the meek will not inherit the earth. Half a billion people will inherit the earth and 7 billion will perish because they were too fucking stupid to figure out who the enemy is.

Claire Khaw said...

What do you expect them to do about it??

BH said...

Number one - get the facts. Number two - start talking and get to the point.

Claire Khaw said...

What point?

BH said...

That the elites plan is one world technocratic corporate government ruling over a vastly reduce population of only 1/2 a billion. That's the POINT. The methods they are using are more complicated. They are frightened of only one thing. PUBLIC DISCOVERY.

Claire Khaw said...

They are making us gay and our children gender confused so they will sterilise themselves in an attempt to become a member of the opposite sex?

BH said...

The elites put endocrine disrupters into the food supply such as bisphenol A. It's in the plastic lining of tins cans and other food wrappings. They are responsible for using the education system to confuse children as they go through a temporary childhood phase during puberty The water food and vaccines have all been jacked, either to cause infertility or introduce toxins into the body which later cause disease. Cause and effect are separated by years and they get away with it.

This is an undeclared war on humanity. The more people who become aware of that fact, the better our chances will be.

Everytime I go out shopping I see pussified males everywhere. That was not an accident

Claire Khaw said...

What do you mean by pussified?

Do you just object to what they are wearing? The childishly bright colours of their trainers, perhaps?

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