
Thursday, 29 March 2018

Dmitry Babich says the ultra-[sexually] liberal Americans are now making a porn star their heroine because they hate the idea of an alpha male leader as their President

From the 11th minute

Dmitry Babich made a great point about Stormy Daniels being made a heroine by corrupt liberal-feminist media.

Liberal media serves no purpose other than to spin a narrative for our stupid and corrupt politicians to pretend to believe, so they vote for more war.

The media no longer even cares what the ordinary voter thinks, but is just there as a way of writing history before it has happened. Future historians will think what they saw on media was the justification for war and the preponderance of the media material will be pro-war.

There were all those anti-war protests in 2003.

Apparently, either 6 to 11 million or 8 to 30 million people participated.

Apparently, at least 6 million Westerners who demonstrated could deduce from the facts alone that war was not a good idea but Western politicians who were supposed to be more informed than us, could not.

Democracy is nothing but a cover for war.

We are Athens, Russia is Sparta, and NATO is the Delian League. Ukraine is the latest Delos.

Probably, Muslims will be the New Romans.

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