
Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Why feminist egalitarianism damages male solidarity and social cohesion

In a patriarchy, the alpha male is a leader of beta males. This means that the beta males choose their leader ie the alpha male.

In a patriarchy the status of the female is derived from the status of her father or husband.

The command structure of an army is very simple and accountable. Orders are given from above, and is passed downwards. When someone disobeys the order or fails to perform his duty, you can find the weak link in the chain of command.

In a matriarchy the male leader is chosen by the females whose interests and preferences are different from and in opposition to male interests. Because they are potentially half the vote in any liberal democracy, female votes will always be chased and the male preferences marginalised. Therefore in a matriarchy the male leader is always mainly chosen by females and this means the marginalisation of male interests.

Because the idea of feminism is egalitarian, everyone in an egalitarian society in which feminism flourishes will think they are equal, when in reality they are not. The wise and strong should lead the foolish and weak, not the other way round. This is precisely what intersectional feminism is all about though: it basically inverts the pyramid structure of the class system at the expense of everyone in the middle. Worse, it encourages undesirable behaviour and discourages moral behaviour ie discouraging chastity, thrift, prudence and industry putting the path of your society on the road to perdition since it is a political system that is in effect a systematic cultivation of failure.

In an egalitarian society, everyone will think they are just as good as everyone else, and this means no one can be corrected. If any attempt is made, the person attempting the correction will be asked "Who are you to tell me what to do?" The person attempt to make the correction will be insulted, lied about, accused, threatened with violence or even suffer violence.

This means leaders dare not correct their followers, and things go wrong.

Also, in a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried single mother with illegitimate offspring which she often badly parents. This must be so because not even the US President - supposedly the most powerful man in the world - dares not criticise unmarried single mothers or propose the abolition of no fault divorce.

If men in the West are in effect slaves to the female preference, then it means that they have to think and talk in a way that women like, and this turns them into women.

Men mind about immigration much more than women and these men are beta males ie low status men who have to compete for jobs and resources and who are most likely to say racist things or do not have the social graces or education to say what they feel to be true without avoiding denunciations of racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia or sexism.

When Ken Livingstone of all people ends up having to resign from the Labour Party for antisemitism, you know the game is up as regards impartial news-reporting or a Labour leader with any leadership qualities in control of his party. When a Labour leader cannot protect his oldest ally who is clearly innocent of a non-existent offence, you know the game is up as regards getting a decent leader for your country even if the current childless clueless woman's government falls.

As I was saying, lower class men do not have the best of appearances or manners likely to appeal to white middle class feminists who run the show and who will instinctively despise them and find them viscerally repulsive.

Men, when women think this of you, they more or less think you do not deserve to live, let alone enjoy reproductive rights with a member of their sex.They would rather fuck foreign men and invite them into your country by voting for governments that support mass immigration, and not even realise that this is what they are doing because they will have been indoctrinated into thinking that being called racist - as you surely will be if you protest about uncontrolled mass immigration - is the worst crime you can ever be guilty of.

As regards the hierarchy of a matriarchy, there is none. This means no one is really in charge. It is basically run on fear, lust and ever faster buck-passing. Insofar as a hierarchy exists, it is represented by the Cult of Youth. The most powerful members of society are the young, sexy and foolish, who will of course abuse whatever power they have, destroying themselves, others and their own civilisation in the process. These would be mostly the over-entitled female undergraduates with their Guardianista ideas who wrap pussy-hungry male graduates round their little finger at universities, destroying their education and often their reputations if these male undergraduates end up being falsely and maliciously accused of regret rape.

These female undergraduates will soon become graduates and acquire positions of influence and status in the professions. If men protest, they will be falsely and maliciously accused of a historic sexual offence to keep them quiet.

The wages of feminism and egalitarianism is the death of your civilisation.

Restoring patriarchy and the real purpose of marriage

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