
Friday, 27 July 2018

British masochism should not be indulged in the case of Ian Simpson  From 1:33:00

2:30  International School My dear father says that non-white children who go to international school become neither fish nor fowl.
12:45  UKIP couple have foster children removed from care
17:00  Cultural diffences in expressing opinions and emotions
21:00  How James O'Brien became the conscience of liberal Britain 
25:00  Pisa: At-a-glance global education rankings in science, maths and reading
32:45  Proms among music festivals pledging 50/50 gender split in lineups
35:15  Female Police Officers
39:30  Nationalism, group solidarity, tribal loyalty
46:00  Did Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson make the nation swallow a poison pill? 
47:00 Here today and gone tomorrow leaders in the establishment and against it 
49:30  James O'Brien not wanting to appear jingoistic but asks if we should let foreign companies buy our national utilities
50:00  Dying people live in the past and so do dying nations and civilisations
51:30  The lies we are expected to believe from the presstitutes of BBC
55:00  The Fisherman and His Wife
56:00  Abolishing the licence fee
57:00  Official state channel
58:00  Social justice = intersectionality = feminism = degeneracy
1:00:00 Using deductive reasoning to put 2 and 2 together to make 4 and to avoid and solve problems is now considered fascist 
1:04:00  Personal responsibility
1:05:00 Slut shaming  
1:06:00 Gay pride
1:07:00 - the 100 lashes punishment for sex offenders in town squares and village greens
1:09:15  Polygamy
1:10:00  Good looking men
1:12:00  A Muslim man can have up to four wives
1:16:00  A social history of porn
1:17:00 Nuns in nunneries
1:19:00 The murder rate between spouses and intimate relationships is probably higher than between other relationships

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...