
Thursday, 9 August 2018

The Yin and Yang of two World Wars and the decline and fall of the West

7:45  Sayeeda Warsi

9:00  White people in the West already hate their own white liberals. All the more do they hate Jews and non-whites who come here and become liberal.  Jews find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. If they assimilate into liberalism, they are perceived as turbo-charged liberals with added but undeserved Jewish privilege. Sarah Jeong may have been aping white feminist women who hate white men and want to destroy the achievements of their ancestors. The fact that she is being protected by the New York Times will fuel even more anger and resentment. Orthodox Jews who join the alt-right thinking they are white are also confused, but if they have got anything wrong, at least their feelings are normal and understandable.  It is natural for even immigrants to become possessive and protective about their adopted countries.

11:00  Reform Jews in Weimar Germany obviously annoyed the Germans when they participated in the politics of a liberal democracy imposed on them after WW1. Hitler complained just as much about the operation of democracy in Weimar Germany as he did about Jews.

13:00  Scapegoat
14:00  James O'Brien of LBC
20:30  Jay's guitar interlude
25:00  Jay praises me for
26:00  Kevin Grace praised.
29:00  We have to embolden our politicians to not apologise.
30:00  Alex Jones
31:00  Ron Paul
35:00  Trump the Messiah?
37:00  Liberal democracies have the same problem of feminsm and gay marriage
39:00  Marriage sanctifies as a child
40:00  Feminists trash marriage and trash the ability of men and women to be good parents or to be parents at all.
41:00  Every action has a reaction.  The Culture War is about Yin and Yang.  An over-assertion of masculinity leads to a backlash of effeminacy. An excess of effeminacy will have its consequence of invasion, war and revolution resulting in the reassertion of masculinity.
45:00  WW1 and WW2
46:00  Pyrrhic victory "If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined."
47:00  Dog in the manger foreign policy of the British
48:00  Monopoly
49:00  Attempted assassination of Colonel Maduro
50:00  Hasmonean Civil War
51:00  The "defence" lobby want war to increase sales
52:00  The Deep State of Pakistan
53:00   British Army 'could stage mutiny under Corbyn', says senior serving general
54:00  Multiculturalism
55:00  American isolationism
57:00  Muslims in the West are sicced on Muslim states whose regimes America wants to change
58:00  US version of Bin Laden raid is 'full of lies'
59:00  Religion, morality, group solidarity, sole cohesion
1:00:00   Slut shaming
1:02:00   Have we been good little boys and girls worthy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven?
1:07:00  Trump is a catalyst
1:12:00  Wolf whistle
1:16:00  Jay's views on museums
1:17:00  Relationships
1:25:00  Bewitched  and the geisha house
1:33:00  Finland entry for the Eurovision 2018
1:43:00  90% of men cannot say no to sex
1:45:00  Breasts
1:46:00  Slutocrat
1:48:00  Emotional tampon
1:52:00  Secular Koranism
1:54:00  Jay and I imagine being married to each other
1:54:30  Sacha Baron Cohen in Who Is America?
1:56:00  Elizabeth Young
1:58:00  Chinese restaurants and Secular Koranism
Mechanical hare
2:03:00  Interpretation is a function of power
2:04:00  Cadbury's mini rolls

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