
Sunday 30 September 2018

A Muslim who hates Secular Koranism

The exchange Adassamad Clarke and Claire Khaw had on Secular Koranism

Abdassamad Clarke the Muslim scholar blocks Claire Khaw from his Facebook page

12:45  Is "Gender Egalitarianism" really just Feminism?

17:00  The nature and purpose of marriage

19:00  Freedom for men to avoid their prescribed gender roles such as fighting and dying in pointless imperialistic wars?

22:00  Feminism adversely affecting combat-effectiveness and military efficiency in the Armed Forces, LGBT people in the Armed Forces, petite policewomen and firewomen rather than firemen

34:00  Gillick Competence

35:00  Statutory rape

36:00 Kenneth Clarke  getting into trouble for attempting to explain statutory rape to the intellectually challenged presstitutes of feminist Britain

47:00  Bailoutism

55:00 Tracey Emin

58:00  Winterbourne View care home staff jailed for abusing residents

59:00 Legalising brothels

1:06:00 The benefits of legalising brothels while criminalising fornication between consensual couples. 
Sexual frustration and a sense of entitlement was the reason for Elliott Roger's mass murderering rampage

1:07:00  Judge Kavanaugh and the Senate Judiciary Hearing

1:09:00  Complainants should not be called survivors because calling complainants survivors assumes the guilt of the accused.

1:10:00  The criminal and civil standard of proof

1:17:00  Supreme Court

1:19:00  Tommy Robinson and UKIP

I have utterly failed to explain Gillick competence to Islamophobes, or are they just pretending not to get it? Jo Marney gets it though.

Getting back to the subject ....

Dr Mariche, psychologist and historian on the Caliphate and Empire

1:00  Reaching a logical conclusion 2:00  In our post-truth society, people will still make a decision not because it is the right thing to ...