
Thursday, 6 September 2018

My undeniably revolutionary ideas

I certainly do not deny that my ideas are revolutionary since they are the antithesis of the status quo. The status quo is matriarchy, and I propose to replace it with patriarchy. The status quo is also a corrupt atheist oligarchy promoting sexual liberation from the rules of marriage, and I propose to replace it with a one party theocracy.

To restore the patriarchy, sluts must be shamed. The malaise of the West is caused by feminism, and the personification of feminism is The Slut. Western Man worships her as a deity because she is the most immediate source of his short-term pleasure and long-term ruin.

It seems I wait in vain for a moral philosopher of the liberal establishment to challenge my ideas. They refuse to do so because to be seen to challenge them is to give my ideas credence when they wish to treat them as unworthy of notice.

All they can do are the following:

  1. Deny that there is a problem.
  2. Pretend that everyone is happy with feminism and liberal democracy. 
  3. Pretend that the patriarchy is still in place because feminists are still complaining about it. 
  4. Pretend that democracy is the best form of government while ignoring the fact that democracy only lasted for around a century in Ancient Athens and that the duration of Republican Rome was much shorter than Imperial Rome. 
  5. Pretend that anyone who questions democracy and feminism is an evil, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, misogynistic Fascist and Nazi in order to dismiss and ignore their views. 
  6. Continue to pretend not to hear while refusing to answer questions or engage in any form of open discussion.

Secular Koranism is an irritant, like itching powder.  I have emptied a whole pack of it down the back of Western civilisation and Westerners are trying to pretend it never happened and that they are not feeling at all itchy ...

All I have to do is keep telling them they are itchy with feminism and degeneracy and wait patiently.

Not long now.

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Herbert Armstrong's Anglo-Israelism and his rejection of Trinitarianism — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 11, 2025