
Sunday, 9 September 2018

Our new religion and our new heresy

The Holocaust is like an extra religion for liberal gentiles. If you doubt any aspect of it, you are a heretic, a blasphemer and an antisemite. Jews enforcing this rule against gentiles has provoked antisemitism, which they are now busily trying to stamp out. The problem about forbidding someone from hating you and constantly reminding you that you are not allowed to hate them and repeatedly checking whether you hate them is that you do end up hating them.

If you ceaselessly bully the a party leader known to be against neocon imperialistic wars - and neocons are known to be prominent Jews - then his Muslim and non-Muslim supporters who hate neocon wars are going to hate you.

I used to think Jews were clever people.

Gentiles could simply turn the tables on Jews by threatening to prosecute them for inciting hatred against themselves or simply remind themselves that they are supposed to have free speech in the Free West and affirm this right.

Sadly for the gentile, after half a century of feminism he is now too degenerate and feeble to even think of asserting his own right to speak about minorities freely in his own land.

Feminised Western men are leaderless men. With the exception of America, Hungary, Poland and Italy, the leaders of the rest of the West appear to be led by female-appointed weaklings or childless clueless women. They would have no idea how to lead the nation if they were not given direct orders by the EU.

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