
Friday, 21 September 2018

Theocracy is better than the principle of parliamentary sovereignty which is the principle of having no principles


1.  One Party Theocracy
2.  Everyone works/contributes.
3.  Anti liberal agenda.
4.  Health, food, exercise, well being nationally regulated.
5.  Slavery for criminals
6.  No medication for depression.
7.  No drugs. Ban alcohol, porn , gambling.
8.  Any woman having child out of wedlock forced abortion.
9.  Ban immigration unless extraordinary.
10.  Any colour or creed fine but the national identity trumps religion.
11.  Would encourage those here from other countries to go back.
12.  Make feminism a crime.

14:30  On having principles, especially moral and relgious principles and rules. People who don't believe in God don't really get principles. When you have a religion, you really get religious principles and understand why they must be followed, if you want to be accepted and identified as a member of your religious group.  Islamophobes are militant atheists united by their hatred of the Abrahamic faiths exhibiting antisemitism and Islamophobia which educated people find repulsive and frightening.

17:00  The YouTube video by the YouTuber who hated Emmet Fox's Sermon on the Mount.

23:00  Rules and the Rule of Law.
24:00  The constitutional principle of parliamentary sovereignty is that it makes a principle of having no principles. A theocracy based on the scripture containing the divine laws of an eternal and supreme Abrahamic God based would stop this kind of shit dead in its tracks.

27:00  The purpose of having moral laws is to govern our behaviour towards each other so we remain in existence as a group and maintain social cohesion to avoid the situation of invaders coming into our society and taking over.  Jews were warned against disobeying the laws of God at They ignored them and got kicked out of their own country by the Romans.

31:00  Rules are made to be broken.

33:00  The Ten Commandments

37:00  I have no time for Catholic guilt.

38:00  Confucius

For Confucius, zhengming does not seem to refer to the ‘rectification of names’ (this is the way the term is most often translated by scholars of the Analects), but instead to rectifying the behavior of people and the social reality so that they correspond to the language with which people identify themselves and describe their roles in society. Confucius believed that this sort of rectification had to begin at the very top of the government, because it was at the top that the discrepancy between names and actualities had originated. If the ruler's behavior is rectified then the people beneath him will follow suit. In a conversation with Ji Kangzi (who had usurped power in Lu), Confucius advised: “If your desire is for good, the people will be good. The moral character of the ruler is the wind; the moral character of those beneath him is the grass. When the wind blows, the grass bends” (Lunyu 12.19).

For Confucius, what characterized superior rulership was the possession of de or ‘virtue.’ Conceived of as a kind of moral power that allows one to win a following without recourse to physical force, such ‘virtue’ also enabled the ruler to maintain good order in his state without troubling himself and by relying on loyal and effective deputies. Confucius claimed that, “He who governs by means of his virtue is, to use an analogy, like the pole-star: it remains in its place while all the lesser stars do homage to it” (Lunyu 2.1). The way to maintain and cultivate such royal ‘virtue’ was through the practice and enactment of li or ‘rituals’—the ceremonies that defined and punctuated the lives of the ancient Chinese aristocracy. These ceremonies encompassed: the sacrificial rites performed at ancestral temples to express humility and thankfulness; the ceremonies of enfeoffment, toasting, and gift exchange that bound together the aristocracy into a complex web of obligation and indebtedness; and the acts of politeness and decorum—such things as bowing and yielding—that identified their performers as gentlemen. In an influential study, Herbert Fingarette argues that the performance of these various ceremonies, when done correctly and sincerely, involves a ‘magical’ quality that underlies the efficacy of royal ‘virtue’ in accomplishing the aims of the ruler.

40:00  The Golden Rule

41:00  Our laws should be in harmony with our chosen moral system. Religions are xamples of a moral system are Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc. Political ideologies such as Conservatism, Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism etc also come under this category, but political ideologies do not last as long as religions so we might as well choose the most practical and durable ideology available, and I recommend Secular Koranism. Judaism is the most successful of all the Abrahamic faiths because it enabled the Jews to get back their homeland after 2000 years of being without it. Judaism enabled Jews to remain a distinct group even after 2000 years of exile. If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism. Jews in Israel would be more likely to have peaceful enjoyment of Israel if Israel became a theocracy because, obviously, God if He exists always intended Israel to be a theocracy, not be a mere colonial outpost of an evil and declining empire.

45:00  Jay submits to Truth, Logic, Morality and perhaps Islam when he says under his dictatorship there would be "No drugs" and he would "ban alcohol, porn , gambling."

55:00 Jay understandably refuses to discuss his mysterious agreement with me on the issue of a one party theocracy contained in his political manifesto because he is still in the course of putting flesh to the skeleton of his idea. But I consider this progress and movement! Yay!

59:00  Jay explains his love-hate relationship with Iceland.

1:06:00 My dream as a keen amateur portrait photographer to one day visit a male prison and take flattering photos of them.

1:12:00  I think I would be quite a cheering bedside presence for the sick and dying.

1:24:00 is better for shaming sluts than forced abortions imposed on unmarried but pregnant women.


1:27:00  I am accused of beling a liberal.

1:29:00  Prevention is better than cure.

1:31:00  Should I stay or should I go?

1:34:00  Sajid Javid

1:37:00  The inclusivity of white nationalists is their strength
The inclusivity of nationalists would be their strength because, potentially, men of all ages, races and religions who wish to restore the patriarchy, would outnumber, outrank and defeat the men who obviously have no intention or prospect of becoming the fathers of legitimate children and who have never been married. Only men wishing to and capable of fathering the next generation of legitimate children deserve to have their preferences prioritised. White men going on about the colour of their skin as if it were a religion when it cannot possibly be is just embarrassing.

1:38:00  Uncontrolled immigration is resented by citizens of all races. 

1:39:00  People will bond as Jews did with each other when they are attacked and oppressed.
1:40:00  We are all members of different groups and often our membership of these different groups causes conflict. 
1:42:00  Identity politics and how we are statistically more likely to be murdered by someone we have had sex with eg our spouse than with than an illegal immigrant.

1:45:00  We are tired of being lied to by the political establishment. Why do they lie all the time?
1:46:00   The West is suffering from a double whammy of a failed religion and political system.
1:48:00   Slut shaming
1:49:00  I remind Jay of my proposal to go to Aceh, Indonesia to demonstrate the efficacy of slut-shaming.

1:58:00  Voluntary repatriation and banana boats

2:04:00  The fact that you have misbehaving minorities means your rules are not clear.
2:08:00  The rule of law no longer operates in the West.
2:09:00  Underage sex

2:10:00  Gillick Competence

Gillick competence is a term originating in England and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (under 16 years of age) is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge. 
The standard is based on the 1985 decision of the House of Lords in Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority. The case is binding in England and Wales, and has been adopted to varying extents in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Similar provision is made in Scotland by the Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991. In Northern Ireland, although separate legislation applies, the then Department of Health and Social Services stated that there was no reason to suppose that the House of Lords' decision would not be followed by the Northern Ireland Courts.

The Gillick case involved a health departmental circular advising doctors on the contraception of minors (for this purpose, under sixteens). The circular stated that the prescription of contraception was a matter for the doctor's discretion and that they could be prescribed to under sixteens without parental consent. This matter was litigated because an activist, Victoria Gillick (née Gudgeon), ran an active campaign against the policy. Gillick sought a declaration that prescribing contraception was illegal because the doctor would commit an offence of encouraging sex with a minor and that it would be treatment without consent as consent vested in the parent.

The issue before the House of Lords was only whether the minor involved could give consent. "Consent" here was considered in the broad sense of consent to battery or assault: in the absence of patient consent to treatment, a doctor, even if well-intentioned, might be sued/charged.

The House of Lords focused on the issue of consent rather than a notion of 'parental rights' or parental powers. In fact, the court held that 'parental rights' did not exist, other than to safeguard the best interests of a minor. The majority held that in some circumstances a minor could consent to treatment, and that in these circumstances a parent had no power to veto treatment.

Lord Scarman and Lord Fraser proposed slightly different tests (Lord Bridge agreed with both). Lord Scarman's test is generally considered to be the test of 'Gillick competency'. He required that a child could consent if he or she fully understood the medical treatment that is proposed:

As a matter of Law the parental right to determine whether or not their minor child below the age of sixteen will have medical treatment terminates if and when the child achieves sufficient understanding and intelligence to understand fully what is proposed.

— Lord Scarman

The ruling holds particularly significant implications for the legal rights of minor children in England in that it is broader in scope than merely medical consent. It lays down that the authority of parents to make decisions for their minor children is not absolute, but diminishes with the child's evolving maturity. The result of Gillick is that in England today, except in situations that are regulated otherwise by law, the legal right to make a decision on any particular matter concerning the child shifts from the parent to the child when the child reaches sufficient maturity to be capable of making up his or her own mind on the matter requiring decision.

2:15:00  Instead of answering my question on whether he approves of the concept of Gillick Competence, Jay compares me to a pitbull.

2:17:00  Complaining about Muslims is complaining about the symptoms rather than curing the disease. 
2:22:00  Feminism would be eradicated by nationalism. 
2:23:00  The supreme authority and referring to a higher power

2:24:00  Jay finally discusses the PSYCHOLOGY OF VICTIMHOOD
2:26:00  The masculinity of Viktor Orban
2:27:00  Hungary's patriarchy came from its Catholicism
2:28:00  Judaism, theocracy and a permanent solution to the perennial problems of human nature.
2:30:00  Jay accuses me of debating in bad faith about Muslims.
2:34:00  Multiculturalism
2:35:00  I sing about immigration
2:36:00  The Islamophobia conference we attended. They recorded the proceedings, I asked a number of questions, but they that video has never been uploaded.
2:40:00  Why doesn't the government of white men care about them? 
2:41:00  Christianity and liberal democracy are kaput - there is a big leak in the leaky ship of state that is the West, but white men can't get it together to even think of fixing it.

2:44:00  Dennis Dale video on Guilt by Association
2:49:00  Peter Lavelle and The Duran on Kavanaugh and Crosstalk 
2:51:00  The West is a matriarchy and toxic to marriage and family values. The rotten modern culture of the West is increasing illegitimacy all over the world.
2:53:00  Feminism in Australia where the feminazis are scarier than the ones we have in Up Over
2:57:00  The enemy within, the Yetzer Hara, the Greater Jihad ie the evil inclination

The role of the Yetzer Hara
Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah 9:7) states:

"Without the evil inclination, no one would father a child, build a house, or make a career." 

2:58:00  All five world religions are patriarchies and their cardinal rule is the rule against extramarital sex
2:59:00  To support patriarchy, we must shame sluts
3:00:00  The Romans and the Cult of the Vestal Virgin
3:01:00  Denial
3:02:00  Livy: "We can neither bear our vices nor their cure."
3:04:00  Moses himself did not reach The Promised Land
3:07:00  Liberals already know they are outnumbered. That's why they will now break their own rules in the hope of winning the Culture War.
3:10:00  Jews cannot quite decide whether the Third Temple should be rebuilt because it means restoring failed Temple Judaism and its corruptible priesthood.
3:11:00  No religion, no group identity.


EY said...

very good discussion.

Jay the fascist dictator! 😆

You two should really try to push this. It is bloody brilliant!

you two are a great team.

JW said...

I may do you some more pieces out of your book.

It is always fun to listen to somebody defending Muslim grooming gangs.

Claire Khaw said...

I am happy to explain again that Muslim sex predators were just getting in on the game underage sex which they have observed non-Muslims to be indulging in and getting away with since the 1980s.

JW said...

Of course you are happy to explain and apologise for Muslim paedophiles and to blame the responsibility upon English people.

You are just trying to remove the truth about Muslim people in the hope that your failed ideology gets off the ground.

Claire Khaw said...

I have apologised for no one. I am after all the person who wants the law to punish extramarital sex with 24:2 of the Koran.

"More children are having sex in Britain than in any other country in Europe, according to World Health Organisation figures published on Monday.

Girls outstrip boys in the numbers prepared to have sex aged 15 or younger - leading to 20 of them getting pregnant each day.

The spiralling level of teenage pregnancy not only robs young people of their childhoods but contributes to a vicious circle of family break-up, say experts.

Four out of 10 girls in England have underage sex - more than in any other European country.

English girls were followed by Welsh girls - 39 per cent of whom had underage sex. Third highest was Scotland with 34.1 per cent of girls."

Underage sex considered 'normal part of growing up', report warns

Sexual health services failing to recognise victims of child exploitation and abuse due to expectation that under-16s will be sexually active, Family Education Trust claims

JW said...

This is the reason why Muslim grooming grooming gangs exist according to Claire Khaw. She wants to take responsibility away from them.

Secular Koranism is still not fit for vermin.

Claire Khaw said...

Sex predators will do what sex predators: do prey on victims that are the most vulnerable. Unsupervised and fatherless adolescent daughters of mothers who have abandoned them are the most vulnerable.

You could even say that these Muslim sex predators are simply integrating into the rotten British culture of underage sex.

Underage sex *is* a cultural norm in the UK as illegal immigrant claimed

Oh, and Tracey Emin's mum put her on the pill too when she discovered that Emin was having under-aged sex.

So, what are we asking the police to do?

Not bother if the under-aged female is having sex with a under-aged boy of her age?

Not bother if the under-aged female is having sex with an under-aged boy of her age and race?

JW said...

so Claire Khaw is quoting the Guardian to boost her case.

This is laughable.

Who on earth wants to spend their Friday night defending Islamic rape culture ?? (CK)

Claire Khaw said...

I am quoting the Guardian quoting the CPS.

You are outraged that I would even think of pointing out that underage sex is part of rotten modern British culture which also includes child prostitution.

JW said...

I do not even look at this nonsense all these links that you posted. It is all just retarded idiocy.

There Muslim grooming gangs who pray on young white girls. It is Pakistani Muslim culture. Mohammed fucked nine-year-old.

Do you feel that you have missed out on the action by coming to England age 16?

Claire Khaw said...

I know you are not interested in the evidence, only in saying Muslims are paedos because they are Muslims because it will make them easier and quicker to kick out later when the time comes. It is necessary for me to dissociate myself from this line of thinking.

I am sure if the sex predators were white gangs of sex predators, you would just shrug your shoulders and say "What do you expect when you have large numbers of unsupervised schoolgirls in one area?"

I understand that the fact that they are Muslim and brown angers you more than if the girls were victims of white indigenous sex predators.

JW said...

Exactly. It is what I’ve been saying all day.
You have to disassociate yourself with the truth because your ideology is based on Islam.

Well done for admitting the motivation for your dishonesty.

Claire Khaw said...

I do not deny that Secular Koranism is based on the Koran, which would restore the patriarchy and with it marriage and family values thus reducing the incidence of unsupervised schoolgirls in poorly supervised care homes falling prey to sex predators of any race or religion.

JW said...

Satan Apologist

Claire Khaw said...

Muslims regard Satan as rebellion from the laws of God.

JW said...

just become a Muslim and shut the fuck up.I’m not interested in Muslims.

EY said...

one man's Satan is another man's God.

Claire Khaw said...

There is no need for me to convert to Islam, but any nation must be a patriarchy so it practices marriage and family values to avoid succumbing to matriarchal madness as we are now doing.

The Abrahamic faiths all have the idea that to be Satanic is to disobey the laws of God in the Bible and the Koran.

If you believe in God, Muslims may have been sent by God to teach the West a lesson.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...