
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Why Western Man cannot bring himself to acknowledge the undeniable logic of Secular Koranism

7:15  I was given an honourable mention and reference was made to the way I would mock Western men for losing control of their women.

Western men have lost control of their women because they are mostly atheists preferring to continue accepting the bribe of feminism, which is the idea that fornication is their human right. The antithesis to the status quo is a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism whose governing members would be married fathers in control of their women and their families who implement policies that prioritise the preferences of other married fathers who also wish to be in control of their women and their families. This was what made the West great, remember?

It is exasperating that my diagnosis and cure keeps being rejected, and the reason is because Western men these days are mostly atheists without the self-belief to change anything much.They have become the women they complain about in so many ways. They reject my solution not because they do not see the logic of it, but because they doubt their ability to promote and implement it successfully.

Because the path is dark and uncertain, they prefer to stay where they are, in much the same way the Jews led by Moses often complained they would have been far better off remaining slaves in Egypt rather than wandering the desert for 40 years.

This is probably because most Western men who see the wisdom of what I say are elderly and have  lost the necessary testosterne to challenge the matriarchy, while the younger of them who half understand what I say are too afraid of losing their jobs and alienating their fornicating associates and friends, especially their female sex partners to whom they are not married to be seen to be agreeing with me.

46:00  Men want other men's women to be sluts with them, but understandably object when their women slut around with other men.

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