
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Islam and immigration

Muslims take the brunt of Westerners' understandable hatred of immigration. Islamophobes have their narrative to justify their desire to expel Muslims unscrupulously using superficial and dishonest arguments on the credulous and resentful in a bid to persuade them to support the hoped for anti-Muslim pogrom when the time comes.

The Narrative of the Islamophobe is as follows:

"Muslims are terrorists and sex predators because they are Muslim. Their prophet also married a nine year old girl and had sex with her, which makes him a paedophile. Muslims hero-worship a paedo prophet and are paedophiles and terrorists. So kick them out."

It is interesting that they refuse to accept that their rotten culture of officially and legally condoning underage sex and statutory rape could have anything to do with tempting Pakistani-heritage criminal gangs of sex traffickers to engage in child prostitution.

Their response would probably be along the lines of "Even if they weren't pimps in child prostitution, we would still want to expel them because we don't need or want them here."

There is not much going on in the former industrial towns of Northern England anyway, so I imagine respect and money must somehow be acquired either through legal means or otherwise.

What is abundantly clear is that for those who are interested in buying or selling underage sex, men from Muslim backgrounds have the male solidarity to make them more effective sex predators because they operate in gangs prepared to share information and resources with each other while the Islamophobes fight each other like ferrets in a sack and stab each other in the back in their anti-immigration political parties.

I am sure I am not wrong in supposing that white Islamophobes who complain about Muslim sex predators would only shrug their shoulders if they were told that the illegitimate adolescent females of their race abandoned by their immoral mothers into uncaring care homes fall victim to men of their own race. What they find so viscerally enraging is the fact that females of their race are being sexually exploited by men of another race and religion and there appears to be nothing they can do about it. They can do nothing about it because the matriarchy that they live under does not care and has no solutions while they themselves are too frightened to challenge the matriarchy.

They are afraid to challenge their matriarchy because this would mean questioning feminism and questioning feminism would attract accusations of misogyny lowering their status thereby damaging their sexual access to immoral women likely to become the mothers of illegitimate offspring who will abandon them into care homes and allow them to become the next generation of child sexual abuse victims.

Because these men are atheists, they will not be prepared to make the sacrifice that abiding by the rules of marriage requires of them: the policy of slut-shaming by making fornication a sexual offence attracting the punishment of 100 lashes administered in a public place to reinforce the prohibition as prescribed by 24:2 of the Koran.

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