
Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Further comments in support of my application to be on Millenniyule 2018

"The way I am living now is slowly killing me." Are you referring to your single status?

As for being "candid", you might as well make a virtue of a necessity. Plenty of people I know use their YouTube videos as way of showing their viewers their wounds almost as a formalised ritual. If you have nothing of interest to say now about politics, then your videos must necessarily be revelatory of yourself and your romantic misadventures. Nobody wants to hear how well you are doing, so you will have to display wounds that you may not even have to keep the vultures entertained. On the political and philosophical side of things I think could be useful. You just have to let go of your control freakery and let things play out without trying to micromanage things. For this reason alone, I should be on Millenniyule.

"Race and hierarchy are the issues of the century.  The right, ability, privilege and the moral good of setting boundaries is the issue of the century."  Sounds like you are talking about religion.

Yes, you might as well be open. You are already a marked man. Don't you want them to send you honey traps right, left and centre anyway, deep down? You should talk about the other stuff you mentioned eg morality and philosophy as a sign of personal development. Give that a go with me on Millenniyule.

"We need to be synthesising a world view that has to be done at every level and it is deep. It involves the soul, history, culture, identity." You seem to be talking about religion. I think philosophy rather than art is required in this endeavour. I am afraid your subscribers will be very disappointed with you. If you fail in the endeavour, you will be regarded as doomed from the start. If you succeed, you will be seen as a sell-out.

There is quite enough modern art around anyway.  Imagine the snorts of derision if you ever won the Turner Prize, Woes.

No, the best thing for you to do is carry on talking politics but be prepared to consider and analyse new ideas, however transgressive.

The unmarriageability of alt-right men is indicative of their status and the status of their race. It is also an  indication of the status of their ideas. Jewish and Muslim men are top of the heap. Atheist antisemites and Islamophobes are the bottom of the heap. Time to ask yourselves why.

Questions to be considered:

1) Does the patriarchy need to be restored to produce enough good strong men capable of defending the national interest?

2) If so, what moral system would restore the patriarchy?

3) If a slut-shaming moral system is required to restore the patriarchy, there is only one rational and moral choice now we know for a fact that Christianity is kaput, isn't there?

4) Is Judaism divine ethno nationalism?

5) If Judaism is divine ethno nationalism, is Islam divine civic nationalism?

6) Can nationalism exist without restoring the patriarchy?

7) Is a patriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers?

8) Is a matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers?

9) Are all advanced civilisations patriarchies?

10) Are all declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies matriarchies?

11) Does the perfect patriarchy consist of 100% married parents?

12) Does the perfect matriarchy consist of 100% unmarried parents?

13) If there were a war between a patriarchy and a matriarchy, which would win?

14) Was patriarchy what made the West great?

15) Does every civilisation rise in patriarchy and fall in matriarchy?

Oh, the staying in your room for ten years is also a Japanese thing. They have even coined a term for it: hikikomori.  It is a form of arrested adolescence.  Alcoholism also causes arrested development, because when you are being drunk, you don't observe life and learn the lessons of life that you should.

11:00  "I think I deserve them ...  but I am damaged goods."  There is a contradiction there. Nobody has a right to happiness. We are put on this earth to correct ourselves and perhaps others if we have corrected ourselves enough to for others to accept our correction.

"The movement"? You might as well be talking about the hippy movement which was always leaderless. The "leader" is Greg Johnson only because Richard Spencer dropped out after being swept away by his private life and the sheer number of angry white men whose women he has had sex with. Why is it necessary for you to have access to someone who can edit a video overnight? Just post whatever message you have in a post on a blog. I don't think "infrastructure" is the right word. You just need a chain of command where someone is in charge but you don't even have an official leader and therefore no organisation which means nothing much will happen other than the promotion and selling of Greg Johnson's WN manifesto: more preaching to the converted. You still haven't got a solution other than to kick out everyone which is about as viable as you lot joining NASA and going to the moon. You say you are an ideas man but there are no signs of you entertaining any new ideas or discussing them with anyone.

I have broken down the problem into six parts:

1) The Credibility Problem
2) The Class Problem
3) The Ideological Problem
4) The Political Problem
5) The Moral Authority Problem
6) The Leadership Problem

I have no idea how to edit videos either but I expect people who say they are interested in ideas to be prepared to discuss and challenge them. I actually think you have a duty to discuss them even if you don't like me or the sound of them, but you are behaving like the censorious liberal media as far as I can see and see your job as the suppressing of them. From what I know of the people who are familiar with both our ideas, they would be happy to hear how things go when I get a chance to explain my ideas on Millenniyule. If nothing else, it would be entertaining. I have interviewed Greg Johnson at and explained my ideas repeatedly in the Luke Ford community. The world still spins on its axis so I really don't know why you are being so reluctant. If you have spoken to big shot YouTubers like Sargon more than once, why have a problem with little old me?

If someone emails you with an idea that you don't know what to do with, the most obvious thing to do is to consider them in your videos.

You really are sweating the small stuff and being control freak, not being able to see the wood for the trees.  The important thing is to get the message through, have a narrative, show a developing narrative and have a record of what you said and did that is easily searchable, and then await events. You are not an actor nor am I.

The only thing you have to do is entertain your subscribers and propagate the message. I am not that bothered about getting a strike because in theory I can always appear on other people's channels, if they are prepared to talk to me.

Why are they not prepared to talk to me? Because they hate my ideas. But the bright side of people hating my ideas is that I have at least managed to convey my message to them coherently enough for people to understand and then reject them.

But does this mean that my ideas are wrong? Perhaps, but  no one has been able to prove this, and, as far as I know, no one has been able to come up with a better one or successfully refute them by showing that they are based on false information, illogical thinking and immoral considerations.

The best way of conveying a developing narrative is to have me on Millenniyule, or before, or after.  You can even devote an entire video saying how much you  hate me and my ideas, and then we can have a cosy chat about this and that.

That's all you have to do: just go where truth and logic takes you while exploring ideas.

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