
Wednesday, 31 October 2018

The Tragedy In Pittsburgh

Rabbi Mizrachi fills us in on the details of the Pittsburgh shooting:


The ceremony was that of a goy baby being adopted by a couple who have been gaily married.

Interestingly, the parashat that Saturday also happened to be about Sodom and Gomorrah in a so-called "Conservative" synagogue.

It is laughable that these Reform Jews - because that is what they are - blame Trump for antisemitism, he says, who could not have done more for Israel.

Antisemitism will always exist because Jews are the Chosen People. It is murderous sibling rivalry, like Cain and Abel.

Liberal Jews own the media in Israel and the West. When someone says anything they like, there is no free speech and no democracy. "The only way Conservatives are allowed to exist is if we all shut up and let them step on our heads," he says.

It is possible Jews will not get their salvation because they have all been brainwashed by liberalism. God expects very little from liberal degenerates, Jew or gentile.

Jews are basically steaks that have been marinating in the rotten modern culture of liberalism for how many decades now?

Rabbi Mizrachi explains the rules of Kidush Hashem on when a Jew is expected to martyr himself.

Sodom and Gomorrah was about deliberately going against the laws of the Torah.

Were Sodom and Gomorrah the original founders of Reform Judaism?

47:00 The highest ranking rabbi is Chief Rabbi Mirvis who is Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth. He has received a message of censure from Rabbi Sternbuch of Jerusalem, who is 90, an anti-Zionist and vice-president of Israel’s Rabbinical Court, for his pro-LGBT stance openly flouting the Torah, for the Torah decrees death for sodomites. The heart and soul of British Jewry and the rest of the world because of the global nature of the British Commonwealth are now gravely imperilled.

(This letter was written before the Pittsburgh shooting, Rabbi Mizrachi reminds us.)

Are these the signs of God's wrath with liberal Jews who want Jewish privileges but observe none of their religious obligations, who were active open sodomites gaily married who adopted a pair of gentile male infant twins and then had them circumcised?

Synagogue Shooting Occurred During Bris for Gay Couple's Twins

The "fake rabbis" in England have not condemned Chief Rabbi Mirvis demonstrating the depths of their cowardice and degeneracy, probably because he holds their purse strings or something of that nature.

This is a war against Judaism and Israel, Rabbi Mizrachi says. Jews should remember true Torah principles that true Jews are obliged to follow. Jews are actually religiously obliged to martyr themselves and this includes sacrificing their lives. This is what they must do to be light of the nations and be God's Chosen People, or prepare to face God's wrath. If they do not, then Jews and gentiles suffer, worldwide, because the cancer has now spread globally because of the global nature of the degenerate Western matriarchy spreading the filth of gay marriage - that abomination of abominations - globally.

Rabbi Mizrachi predicts antisemitism in the West will increase in rage and fury because of the behaviour of assimilated liberal Jews whose behaviour observant and Orthodox Jews cannot restrain without adopting my idea of a Registrar and Register of Jews.

2:21:00 American Jews must never vote Democrat because they are pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage and part of Sodom and Gomorrah, complicit in their criminality. No good Jew must vote against Trump to make him weaker because this is a war against Hashem and ingratitude after all he has done for Israel. He is anti-transgenderism and this means all good Jews must support Trump. Good Jews should have nothing to do with the US injustice system or they will be morally compromised by the injustice it metes out.

75% of so-called Jews in Manhattan are Democrat with no connection to Israel or Judaism and don't care who their children marry.

When they tell Netanyahu off for not respecting Judaism, their hypocrisy is stomach-churning.

2:27:00 Is there a bigger antisemite than Bernie Sanders in all of America? All his children and grandchildren are goyim and he would have preferred it if Israel never existed. Well, he nearly became US President.

2:30 Jews must learn from the mistakes of the Europeans who have lost everything because they were stupid.

2:32 If American Jews were nationalists instead of liberals, the Americans might not hate Jews so much though antisemitism is part of their DNA. Liberal Jews put Orthodox Jews in danger by their constant provocation of the goyim with their gay parades inviting already resented Muslim immigrants to their host country. Enough of this nonsense!

Liberal Jews should be grateful to Rabbi Mizrachi because he so effectively demonstrates that liberals have rigged the system against observant Orthodox Jews, too, who don't agree with the sexual liberalism of rotten modern culture. This might help take off some of the heat of antisemitism as well as my idea of a Register and Registrar of Jews in every country where there are enough Jews to make up a minyan.

The Sin of Lashon Hara (evil speech) and my permanent solution to the problem of rising antisemitism: a Registrar and Register of Jews

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