
Saturday, 17 November 2018

My comments on yet another E Michael Jones video about how Jews are to blame for everything

The problem is not Jews but the liberalism, liberal democracy and the cuckedness of Christianity that make the gentile Westerner stupid and ripe for exploitation. Secular Koranism would fix this problem.

E Michael Jones rejects Vatican II. Such Catholics - and I have met a few of them - would have antisemitism as part of their cultural and religious as well as their genetic DNA. might as well have been titled: The human race - good or evil? This fixation of the degenerate gentile on Jews is simply this: infantile and a refusal to accept responsibility for their own mistakes and the failure of their religion and political system. Apparently, like women and children, gentile men have no moral agency either. They really are just like cattle to be led and slaughtered. Whatever the Jew tells them, they have to do because their religion does not protect them from malign influences of any kind at all, apparently. If they are suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system, they are apparently helpless to change it because they feel they must cling at all costs to a failed religion and political system because they feel they must be true to the traditions of their ancestors. More probably, they have now reached such an advanced state of degeneracy that they can neither bear their vices nor their cure. This was what Livy said of the declining Roman empire.

What is the agenda and narrative of E Michael Jones? It is simply this: Jews are evil and have destroyed the civilisation of the gentile West.  What about the failure of Christianity? Because he is Catholic, he will of course be saying that Protestantism was a terrible mistake and the solution must be to return to Catholicism so the West can go back to fighting the European Wars of Religion.  Whatever you think of Muslims, they never fought a War of Religion the way Christians fought theirs.  Once Western gentiles return to Catholicism all will be well again, of course!

24:00  An attempt to separate the political and religious is made. The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. Brundle, if you want to hear my theory of Jews and Gentiles, please do get in touch to hear a different story instead of this incessant and ignorant whingeing by gentiles against Jews because their religion and political system (both stupid) have failed.

McKinney is a bore and joined a party that was not part of the American oligarchy. It is no surprise that she has not been successful in her political career, which she chooses to blame on Jews.

43:00  According to E Michael Jones, "the roots of gambling in this country are Jewish". Oh dear.  Has he not heard of the Mafia, who are Catholic? Are the Mafia gangsters because they are Catholic?? He would say no, of course, but according to him Jewish gangsters are gangsters because they are Jewish. Islam would ban gambling, by the way, since Christianity is too weak and stupid to ban it now.

Apparently, Jews are also responsible for the racial strife between white and black Americans. Apparently, if there were no Jews in America, white and black people in America would get along just fine!  What fucking shit!

47:00  E Michael Jones rails at the fact that most married men can no longer support a family on a single wage.  Why doesn't he blame feminism and equal pay legislation instead of Jews?

50:00 Apparently, George Soros represents all Jews.

52:00  Why is America in the middle of a civil war between two groups of Jews?  Because America protects Israel and Diaspora Jews in America don't care about Israel. Israel cannot be liberal surrounded by its hostile Arab neighbours. Liberal diaspora Jews don't care about Israeli Jews. What a shame nobody will ask me these questions because I am neither a Jew nor an antisemite, even if I see things more clearly.  All these conversations are not interested in constructive debate arriving at workable conclusions but of pandering to the antisemitic preferences of the alt-right because they refuse to take responsibility for their own degeneracy and moral flaccidity because their religion (Christianity) and political system (democracy) have failed.

So just continue having your unfocussed time-wasting debates bitching about each other and the establishment while blaming Jews and complaining about Muslims, why don't you?

Never consider for a moment that your moral and political system is totally fucked, so you don't have to fix it, because you just wouldn't know where to even begin to start fixing it.

The only solution you have ever heard of is Secular Koranism but that would mean acknowledging that your shit moral system and shit political system is less than perfect.

Hey, Brundle, why didn't you say E Michael Jones if he had any solutions other than making everyone convert to Catholicism and conducting the Inquisition on heretics? Is this a measure you would prefer to Secular Koranism which is based on the Koran which guarantees freedom of belief with and is also believed to be the basis of the First Amendment?

1:37:00 Do Doooovid and Soros represent all Jews? Do all American Jews want more Muslim immigration? Only the shitlib Jews who are not observant Jews who would be ostracised by the observant Jews under the rules they no longer follow. Who is responsible for Liberal Jews - Liberal Gentiles or Orthodox Jews? If you have a shit culture, why would you expect Jews to be unaffected if they have been marinating in it too? The edge liberal Jews have is that they are smarter and richer than the gentile while having Jewish privilege. To be weak and stupid is to invite exploitation, abuse and invasion.

2:00:00  The self-destructiveness of 21st century Jews and gentiles can be attributed to the matriarchy they live under. The matriarchy is a danger to the patriarchy and of course to itself. Matriarchy is the ultimate suicide pill of civilisation. All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy. Patriarchy is built on the foundation of marriage, matriarchy is build on the foundation of bastardy. The inherent masochism of women is what you are complaining about, and your society has been feminised which means it will always give voice to and prioritise feminine preferences. Christianity is the religion of slaves and women. There is a more masculine religion already arrived on your shores waiting in the wings.

If you have a shit culture, religion and political system but won't change it, don't expect things to get better. was a warning to Jews who ignored God's laws. The time before the Jews got kicked out by the Romans was a time spiralling corruption and degeneracy that could not be corrected until after they were kicked out.

2:17:00  We live in pre-revolutionary times.

2:29:00  The breaking up of Irish Catholic neighbourhoods is a psy-op by the Jews, according to E Michael Jones. Immigrant Catholics become affluent and move from the inner city to the suburbs, that's all. But apparently Jews are to blame for that too. You will just keep sucking up this shit as long as the Jew is to blame, huh? Do you have to live in a fucking ghetto to feel communal solidarity for your own people? Looks like it if you marinate long enough in the shit of American culture, which Jews are also to blame for, apparently!

2:33:00  Jews practise bourgeois values which means marriage and family values. This is too high a standard for the degenerate gentile for whom bastardy and has now been normalised. David Starkey explained this very well at

2:36:00  To be part of a diaspora means you are more likely to hang on to your religion and ancestral identity more fiercely. That was what gave Jews the edge over the gentile, for those of them that didn't choose to assimilate. Maybe you will have no choice if the West becomes a series of failed states and you have to become economic migrants.

2:44:00 Jews want to have the best of both worlds. They want to have Jewish privileges without having to follow their very restrictive religion. The worst punishment you could inflict on Jews is to make them follow their religion properly. has a few ideas about how to deal with Jews without resorting to another pogrom.

3:10:00 Religion is not a form of entertainment about which Latin Mass has the best smells and bells or the best sound and light show. The purpose of religion is to instil morality and your laws should conform to your chosen moral system. If your laws are not right, then change them. If you can't, then it means your political system is broken and it is time to get a new one.

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