
Sunday, 18 November 2018

Pilleater and Kashif Shahzada discuss Secular Koranism, cult leaders and me

Secular Koranism because I don't expect to be in a position to convert the Western political establishment to Islam! All I am saying is that legally qualified people who have passed an examination in Koranic Knowledge which I shall set can apply and interpret the principles of Secular Koranism in such a theocracy. Secular Koranism is legal system, not belief system. A legal system is like EU law. You don't have to agree with the EU to practise EU law, just understand how it works.

The alt-right is not a membership organisation so I cannot be a member or be expelled from it.  It is more like the leaderless hippy movement  so I cannot really be refused membership. Richard Spencer cannot control the definition of alt-right which he will want to say is only open to white gentiles and closed to non-whites. Since I hang around in those circles, I will inevitably be associated with it. It doesn't bother me that I cannot become an official member to a movement that is in any case leaderless. As a civic nationalist I will be called "alt-lite" by the more racially conscious whites who are unashamedly antisemites and Islamophobes, but since as a civic nationalist I propose a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism as the only way to restore the patriarchy, calling me "lite" anything is probably a misnomer.

12:00 was how Kashif Shahzada and I "met".

14:00  Self improvement:  "God will not change the lot of those who do not change what is in their hearts."

18:25  I think Kashif Shahzada is probably confusing Richard Spencer the White Nationalist with Robert Spencer the Islamophobe. 

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