
Saturday, 19 January 2019

I strive to save the West from the neo-paganism of the antisemitic and Islamophobic alt-right and solve the Jewish Question

Enter Claire Khaw at 4:28:00


How about a National Register and Registrar of Jews in each country to keep members of the tribe in order? If they have broken the Sabbath, I am not suggesting that they be stoned to death, but they could certainly be struck off the Register by their rabbi so that as a non-Jew they escape the death penalty.

Kaput Christianity is obviously idolatrous so this means Jews must encourage Westerners to adopt Islam because they must have a religion or their degeneracy will just deepen and accelerate until they become a failed state and then - horror of horrors - take it out on their Jews, minorities and women.

God if He created us clearly intended there to be Jews and gentiles. Judaism is for Jews only, and Islam for gentiles.

Should Jews be made to appoint themselves a Pope and have a register of observant Jews so that liberal assimilated Jews do not disgrace observant Jews who are shomer shabbat with their obscene boasts of having invented gay marriage?
Should the Registrar of the  Register of Jews declare non-Jews Jews who break the Sabbath for a bit of quality control? (There is no need to stone them to death or make them stone each other to death. It is enough to have them declare non-Jews and dead to Judaism. A mock funeral could be held for them by their community in the manner described at )

Should every synagogue have a Register and Local Register of Jews who are in good standing with their community and Hashem?

Should Jews be divided in the way suggested below?

Jews should be divided between (1) the secular and (2) the observant . Amongst the observant, these should be further divided between (a) those who are merely ritually observant and (b) those who take the trouble to defend their religious principles through politics.

While these measures may be considered somewhat severe by liberal assimilated Jews, they are necessary to protect observant Jews.  If I were an Orthodox Jewess, this is precisely what I would be campaigning for.  The purpose of these measures would to be to deal with the problem of rising antisemitism.  It is clear that the gentile already hates gentile liberals. All the more would he hate Jews who are turbo-charged liberals with undeserved Jewish privileges capable of shutting you up by accusing you of antisemitism whenever they lose an argument with you.

I don't hate Jews, of course. 

Liberal American Jews aren’t merely allowing their liberalism to supersede their Judaism. They are actively siding with the enemies of the Jewish people and the Western civilization built on Jewish values.

From the 16th minute

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