
Sunday, 20 January 2019

Why idolatry annoys me and I am agnostic

13 Principles of Judaism

Shirk (Islam)


Spinoza's Censure

PHILOSOPHY - Baruch Spinoza

Xenophanes famously noted that if horses could draw, they would draw their gods as horses.

Akhenaten continued the cult of the Pharaoh, proclaiming himself the son of Aten and encouraging the Egyptian people to worship him. The Egyptian people were to worship Akhenaten, and only Akhenaten and Nefertiti could worship Aten directly.

Social and Political Thought in Chinese Philosophy

Brahman and Atman: That Art Thou

Compare the simplicity of the Shahada to the convoluted complexities of the Nicene creeed whose purpose only makes sense in the explanation I have given: of Christians wanting to be special and better than Jews and Muslims through their blasphemous and idolatrous doctrine of the Trinity which nobody really believes now anyway.

The conceptual superiority and unity of the Koran and its source compared to the ragtag nature of Christian scripture: at the most conflicting accounts of events said to be by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as various epistles written decades after the death of Christ.  The Koran is believed by Muslims to be the directly transcribed Word of God addressing us in Arabic revealed through Muhammad while the New Testament is the reported speech and deeds of an executed revolutionary by different people with different accounts.

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Church of England’s Synod may abolish Holy Trinity to include Muslims

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