
Thursday, 7 March 2019

A vaguely bloodthirsty message in response to my latest video

I have received a vaguely bloodthirsty message in response to my latest video and have responded.

From Philip M:

This is precisely, and undeniably, the ideological subversion to which Yuri Brezmenov spoke about: the act of subverting an enemies culture to such a degree as to make your enemy look to the aggressors way of life as its savior.

I won't deny the failings of modern Christianity for its inability to properly defend itself from outside attack given its rampant cuckoldry towards the ideal of egalitarianism, however to suggest that the answer to its failings is to ultimately capitulate to Islam by adopting Islam is absolutely nothing short of accepting defeat and raising the white flag of surrender in deference to an enemies ideology as the solution to the problem.

The "what else is there?" "argument" is rife with fallacy, and begs to be picked apart down its bones for its "if you can't beat them, join them" way of viewing the solution to the problem. The answer, in my view, to all of our problems is war. A radical and total war of absolute destruction of every last threat to our civilization. A war to establish a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. We need not entertain the depraved idea of adopting and adapting to the way of life of our enemies, but rather look to the past for the salvation we seek by way of accelerating the decay until the only option left to us is the reactionary implementation of the very war we all desire deep down on a fundamental level of our existence. Order out of chaos.

You, Claire, will not be treated kindly. There's a special place in our hearts for subversives such as yourself. Perhaps your biggest flaw is what seems to be your unflinching arrogance of belief towards your own faulty intellect. The harder people like you fight, the more severe our response will be. The entirety of the west has become a ticking timebomb that will inevitably explode and wreak total havoc on all who oppose us. Violence on such a massive scale that will boggle the minds of lesser men. The implementation of this war is not a moral problem but rather a technical problem that, once solved, will enable us to attack whomever, whenever, and allow us to stay on the offensive until our enemy is destroyed. We are quickly approaching the time where this technical problem is overcome...and we are but one catalyst away from opening the gates of hell.

This is precisely, and undeniably, the ideological subversion to which Yuri Brezmenov spoke about: the act of subverting an enemies culture to such a degree as to make your enemy look to the aggressors way of life as its savior.

There is currently no culture of Secular Koranism because it has not been adopted anywhere in the world.

The "what else is there?" "argument" is rife with fallacy, and begs to be picked apart down its bones for its "if you can't beat them, join them" way of viewing the solution to the problem. The answer, in my view, to all of our problems is war. A radical and total war of absolute destruction of every last threat to our civilization. A war to establish a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers.

I have always acknowledged that RaHoWa is indeed one of the options on offer for those whose preference has always been pogrom. Young single men tend to favour this option, I believe.

We need not entertain the depraved idea of adopting and adapting to the way of life of our enemies, but rather look to the past for the salvation we seek by way of accelerating the decay until the only option left to us is the reactionary implementation of the very war we all desire deep down on a fundamental level of our existence. Order out of chaos.

I see that you are an Accelerationist.

You, Claire, will not be treated kindly. There's a special place in our hearts for subversives such as yourself. 

I believe that the political establishment would consider both you and I to be "subversives".

Perhaps your biggest flaw is what seems to be your unflinching arrogance of belief towards your own faulty intellect.

In what way is my intellect "faulty"?

The harder people like you fight, the more severe our response will be.

I have not been fighting anyone at all, merely presenting arguments and proposing solutions which everyone is at liberty to accept or reject.

The entirety of the west has become a ticking timebomb that will inevitably explode and wreak total havoc on all who oppose us.

Whether or not violence is inevitable, those who interest themselves in politics would predictably and understandably wish to comment and propose solutions. I imagine the majority of people would oppose violence and wish to have matters resolved without it.


CG said...

They are upset because you are more of a Christian than a Christian, more of a Muslim than a Muslim, primarily because of your philosophical acumen and intellect ... Wherefore you can prove your truths and articulate them in any fashion... They want you to burn ... Pure envy, I noticed you can make any point for or against and I admire you for it but I am secure in my personal thoughts...others find your intellect offensive.

Claire Khaw said...

I am grateful for people like you.

Philip M said...

How is it faulty?

Perhaps in that you can sit there sniffing your own farts in thinking that the "solution" of secular Islam is in any way a solution. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty at best, and faulty reasoning at worst. It's tantamount to suggesting that we burn down the house so that we don't have to worry about the house catching fire. I'd ask you to be reasonable but, no reasonable person would suggest the type of "solution" you incessantly try to offer. You may think along lines of pragmatism but you take it to such an extreme as to offer submission to Islam which, once again, is burning down the house as to prevent it from burning down.

Claire Khaw said...

I don't see how it is intellectually dishonest to or faulty reasoning to propose Secular Koranism as a means of restoring the patriarchy. Perhaps you do not think the patriarchy should be restored?

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

  Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex ...