
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

News and gossip, gripes and grumbles in and around the alt-right

45:30  Jenn's Claire Khaw blogpost
50:00  Jenn asks if I would like to be judged by John Vance.
51:00  Millennial Woes' avoidant personality disorder
52:00  I am a bad girl.
1:09:00  I join the hangout.
1:12:00  I say I think Doooovid is provoking violence and hatred against Jews because he keeps talking about it and provoking the goyim.  3:04:00  "Claire is scared that Doooovid's going to get white people to turn against minorities and the Jews ..."
1:14:00  Jenn invokes the alien's metaphor.
1:18:00  To what extent are we responsible for the behaviour of others?
1:20:00  Why Millennial Woes pisses me off
1:23:00  Jenn says I come across as an overbearing mother.
1:24:00  Jenn says I shouldn't whip dogs who have already been whipped by their abysmal standards of state education who don't  know how to argue and afraid to engage with me because they don't want to lose the argument.
1:25:00 Effeminate men
1:26:00  Dishonest debaters who won't submit to truth, logic and reason
1:27:00  Everyone listening to this should be telling Millennial Woes to have me on his channel.
1:28:00  Millennial Woes has already admitted that what I want discussed needs to be discussed.
1:29:00 I am not doing this for the clicks. Jenn tells me about the cultural milieu in which we live in where low education cannot grasp the point that to entertain an idea is not to accept it.
1:30:00  Jenn's parentage
1:32:00  YouTubers suffering from mental illness
1:33:00  FGM

15 MAR 2019, 11:07
CK:  I wanted to ask about these reports in the media about FGM in Malaysia and Indonesia. As I understood things, I was under the impression that was an African practice. You have some connection with Indonesia or Malaysia, don't you?

Muslim FB friend:
I'm not really up-to-date. I'll have to do some reading and ask some contacts ou there before I could give you a helpful answer. It is an African - or strictly Nilotic - practise, but the Wahhabis have been pushing it as though it's a 'sunnah' (though there's no evidence that the Prophet really endorsed it) and Malaysia and Indonesia have been coming under increasing pressure from the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia.

CK: I had never heard of this practice in Malaysia or Indonesia till recently.

Muslim FB friend:
Me too. It was never done - or nobody seemed to know about it - when I was out there. The last time I was there for any length of time was 1994, so it must have boomed since then.

1:39:00  Antisemitism is as old as time.
1:40:00  We live in pre-revolutionary times.
1:41:00  The alt-right is as amorphous as the leaderless hippy movement.
1:42:00  The alt-right leaders have no new ideas.
1:43:00  To be accused of being an Islamophobe is an insult saying that one is being irrational. It is hardly
1:44:00  Attacks on churches in New Zealand.
1:45:00  Keeping channels of communications open.
1:48:00  Doooovid joins.
1:52:00  Ecce calling Doooovid the Synagogue of Satan and me a Saracen
1:53:00  We are degenerates because we laugh.
Doooovid thinks Brundle is probably narcissistic bi-polar. He seems to want to save the Jews and expel them.
1:54:00 Doooovid thought it was not respectful of E Michael Jones to turn it into a Babscast after he left.
1:55:00  Usury
1:56:00  Jews are the most skilled practitioners of usury.
1:57:00  Academics are libtards.
1:58:00  Evolution
1:59:00  Believing in evolution is a political position you must take if you are an atheist.
2:00:00  Sergey Brin
2:01:00 YouTube censorship
The Right Wing vs. the Left Wing on YouTube

YouTube's 'alternative influence network' breeds rightwing radicalisation, report finds
Study blames social media site’s network of scholars, media pundits and internet celebrities who unite to promote far-right politics

2:05:00  People naturally want bad things to happen to people they disagree with and the Christchurch mosque attacks illustrate this.

2:08:00  We are ideologues promoting our own respective ideas.

2:00  The purpose of dialogue
3:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis and Secular Koranism
7:00  Sodomites can be accommodated if they don't get caught cottaging.
8:00  The origin of the word "sheeple" -  Dooovid seems to be claiming that Jews invented the word.
10:00  The coalition of minorities in the London of Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan
11:00  David Cameron, Conservative Prime Minister, legalised gay marriage
12:00  Jenn berates me for giving the hangout link to Brundlefly who entered the hangout and ejected all Jenn's guests including myself.
13:00  Doooovid: "Really, Brundle's desire is to kill us."
18:00  I say my behaviour would be the same whether I was deriving an income from my channel or not.
19:00  I say I would love it if Jenn was my proxy promoting Secular Koranism.
19:30  Jenn says it is not enough to have a legal system that is just "fair enough".
20:45  Benjamin Franklin did not say "Power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely", it was Lord Acton.
21:00  Second Amendment
22:00 Doooovid's role as a Jew
23:00 The Noahide laws

The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism. Schneerson wrote:

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

25:00  The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality.
26:00  Aren't Jews supposed to prevent Global Sodom and Gomorrah?
27:00  Doooovid says "a righteous society has to be a tolerant society." He also claims tolerance is a Judaic value.

34:00  BABYLONIAN HEBREW says these dialogues which might have taken place in Paris salons are the subject of philosophical discourse and anthropological study.
38:00  Streaming etiquette
39:00  I am berated again by Jenn for giving Brundle the hangout link. Apparently, giving the hangout link to Brundle was like spiking the punch bowl at a rather dull party with LSD and asking to be reimbursed for the drugs after Jenn has had a really bad trip.

42:00  Jenn says I have bad reputation.
43:00  Jenn says Greg Johnson might want to discuss UBI with her.
44:00  J F Gariepy, Millennial Woes and This Week in the Alt-Right

45:00  MILLENNIAL WOES' reasons for not having me on his channel are dishonest and cowardly.

46:00  I feel honour bound to accept all challenges to my ideas.
47:00  Sargon of Akkad, Richard Spencer
49:00  My attempt to make axiomatic my solution of Secular Kornism has not yet succeeded.
50:00 Jenn, Curt Doolittle's Propertarianism, Libertarianism and ancap
52:00 Muslims hate Secular Koranism
53:00 Secular Koranism would be the only moral system capable of restoring the patriarchy if that's what you want.
57:00  The Dance of the Periodic Table
58:00 The Manifesto of Periodic Tablism and the teachings of Jenn
59:00 Jenn blocking me on Twitter
1:00:00 The libel against me
1:05:00 Blocking people is stupid and weak.
1:11:00 Hate links us to our haters
1:12:00  Millennial Woes and me appearing on his channel
1:17:00 The logic to emotions
1:18:00 Doshas and archetypes
1:19:00 The utility of theocracy for a nation of degenerates
1:21:00 How can a science religion have only a oral tradition?
1:23:00  The laws of God are the laws of nature
1:26:00 Abraham, his idol smashing and the Abrahamic faiths
1:29:00 The rule of law is breaking down worldwide because none of the Abrahamic faiths are  following their own rules.
1:32:00 "Jews have unique problems."
1:33:00 Jews are the chosen people, chosen for a reason.
1:34:00 My answer to the Jewish Question
1:35:00 Jews like Doooovid trying to have the best of both worlds are provoking off the scale levels of antisemitism.
1:36:00 Jews and Muslims could be key to solving the long term social problems of the West.
1:37:00 Antisemitism and Christian idolatry
1:38:00 Jews and their duty to impose the Noahide laws. Christian on Christian religious persecution.
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English. He loaded our language with more phrases than any other writer before or since, says Melvyn Bragg.

John Calvin and Michael Servetus

Blasphemy Act 1697

Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813

Separation of church and state in the United States

1:40:00 If your religion is too strict, it will cause people forced to believe in it to reject it the moment they can.
1:41:00 The evils of the Abrahamic faiths according to Jenn
1:42:00 The role of Jews
1:43:00 What Jews could do to remind gentiles of the Noahide laws, sexual morality
1:44:00  Extramarital sex and licensed brothels
1:45:00  Senior rabbis should apologise for not reminding the gentile of the Noahide laws and for not pointing out the idolatry of Christians for 2000 years. They already regard churches as places where the abomination of idolatry continues to be practised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More people voted for Clinton than Trump. I guess that negates your whole argument on the matter huh? So sad, too bad. :)

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...