
Friday, 5 April 2019

A history of minor disputes

I was on first explaining my ideas and plans and when I left everything went slowly awry.

Will bitches about Brundlefly and OV for 18 minutes. Then Jen mentions my name and remembers being called an "epicenter" by Josh Neal and laughs triumphantly.  

Will: "I don't take sides, I am here for the ideas." Will pats himself on his back for how Danny Torrance and Josh Neil like his ideas.


50:00  They didn't come to my stream because of my race. They prefer my hospitality and the way I let them talk about whoever and whatever. They might think Secular Koranism is a bigger and better animal to throw stones at because it is fully grown and clothed, while you lot have no ideas at all to kick against, not even a viable foetus of an idea to restore the patriarchy.

1:22:00  Don't come back to England, Will! That's where all the convicts come from!

1:35:00  Chris Rock - Black People VS. Niggaz

1:36:00  Secular Koranism is the ultimate in Third Position in thinking if Thomas is worried about capitalism red in tooth and claw.

This stream should be called The Broken Olive Branch Stream.

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