
Thursday, 4 April 2019

The Khavian Interpretation of that Wife-Beating Verse in the Koran

1 comment:

IB said...

What you said makes perfect sense, and is pretty much my view, too. What's more, I remember seeing a global UN study wich showed that about 80% of the world's population approves of moderate corporal punishment within the family structure.

It's just a small minority of privileged, sheltered, and out-of-touch elitists who have a draconian "zero tolerance" view on physical discipline and corporal punishment. They like to think it makes them more "enlightened" and superior to the majority of humanity, and the illusion of superiority and ego-involvement makes them get emotionally addicted to their "superior" emotional moral views. This addiction also causes them to ignore mountains of scientific research on the subject. Their views, are, of course, not superior in any real or practical sense. It's all about feeling superior. Feelings before facts.

Modern "Liberals" have become extremely hypocritical, anti-science, and anti-democratic.

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