
Saturday, 20 April 2019

Church of Entropy on morality and how Christianity and Islam work for usurious Jews

7:00  The rule of law
7:45  My answer to the Jewish Question is the Register and Registrar of Jews

9:00  My idea of Tikkun Olam
10:00 Jen's Eternal Tradition
12:00  I am consistent, truthful, principled.
17:00  4:17:00 Batten Gang 26 Church of Entropy
20:00  Tough love, toughness
21:00  Quantum Psychology III – Understanding Morality
27:00 How to measure the effectiveness of your morality
28:00  How to define morality
29:00  The purpose of morality is to keep your people together and apart from others
32:00  The social and political reform of the West and its moral regeneration

35:00  Idolatry: The Ultimate Betrayal of God
From the worship of statues to -- some would say -- the absolute veneration of political movements, Judaism forbids idolatry in all its forms.

37:00  What are called religious wars are not really religious wars but territorial disputes using religion as an ideological weapon

40:00  3:23:00  NON SEQUITUR

"The first two axioms are fairly easy to accept, while the third has been hotly debated for a long time. All manner of kooky “optimised” means of minimising suffering have been proposed throughout the ages. To those sages I say: show me your unified field model and show me your scientific proof of reincarnation."

54:00  Humans cannot know the mind of God, obviously.

56:00  Who will guard the guardians?
59:00  Science and logic - are they the same thing?
1:00:00 The judiciary would be the priesthood
1:01:00  The rule of law has to be written down somewhere, but Jen thinks it is enough to talk about some unwritten Oral Tradition whose accuracy cannot be ascertained.
1:12:00  A wise judiciary, King Solomon, philosophical enquiry into the nature and definition of wisdom as well as the measurement of it
1:19:00 My personality and compassionate nature for leaderless white men
1:21:00  Gender relations, gender justice and the patriarchy
1:22:00  I wish to be seen as an honest broker between these leaderless men and the men supposed to be governing them.
1:23:00  Their current fixation on Jews, Muslims and non-whites is born of insecurity because of the unfairness of the current rules. The malice and sadism of the feminazis.
1:26:00  White Nationalists and the role of religion in establishing national identity and obtaining social cohesion
1:32:00  John Calvin and usury
1:42:00  Proselytising, forced conversions, the First Amendment,, Thomas Jefferson
1:44:00 Racial differences that are beyond mere physical appearance are cultural differences.
1:46:00 Idolatry
1:47:00  Jon Vance
1:48:00  Jen calls herself the Greatest Modern Scholar.
1:50:00  "You're the one bribing people with bathhouses, Claire."
1:52:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz  is a Left Nationalist.
1:56:00  Usury
2:07:00  Register and Registrar of Jews
2:08:00  Islam is more in conformity with the Noahide laws than Christianity.
2:12:00  Morally crippled Western men are nihilists with no thought for posterity
2:20:00 Jen says I am not the best person to represent white nationalist interests. But I have better policies for the survival of their race with my slut shaming Secular Koranism that supports marriage and family values.
2:21:00  Jen claims knowledge makes people happy. Ridiculous.
2:22:00 I question Jen's wisdom in commending an idolatrous foreign religion to white people.
2:23:00 Islam is less divisive than caste based Hinduism.
2:24:00 All great civilisations are empires.
2:25:00 Jen says strange things.
2:31:00 Default hypothesis on the mind being a quantum computer and a man called Hamerhoff.
2:33:00 The laws of quantum mechanics
2:34:00 I read the Wikipedia entry on Quantum Computing.
2:35:00 Jen traces the origins of my thoughts.
2:43:00 Jen says I am her muse too and compliments me.
2:50:00 Eigenstates
2:51:00 Apparently, our emotions come from our pelvic girdle and our groin.
2:53:00 Taking drugs as a shortcut to enlightenment
2:56:00 I don't read my reply to her post and instead give people a preview of it.
2:57:00 Jen accuses me.
2:59:00 I complain about Jen being too strict.
3:00:00  The tweet Jen was complaining about
MPs talk for the first time about their mental health problems

3:02:00 Jen makes me responsible for all the evils committed by adherents of the Abrahamic faiths.
3:03:00 I explain the necessity of clarity of expression and this means commands rather than careful explication of abstract concepts most people can't understand. A successful general would have excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills to motivate and command his troops who won't be the best educated of men.
3:05:00 Jen accuses me of not understanding the status system of Europeans.
3:07:00 Race realism, faith and keeping things simple.
3:08:00  Jen accuses me of wanting to persecute and execute idolaters.
3:09:00 I quote two verses from the Koran.,17,84,101,21,20,19,18,95,85
3:10:00  Our will must be steadfast and our motives honourable to get God's blessing in our undertakings.
3:10:30  Jen refuses to answer my question on why she says the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God which is the most powerful God conceivable is not her God.
3:13:00 Jen's reasons for rejecting  the written word are in my view nonsensical.
3:16:00 According to Jen, the Abrahamic religions are a Jewish conspiracy to keep gentiles out of usury.
3:18:00 The benefits of banning usury
3:19:00 Secular Koranism is the ultimate in Third Position thinking.
Loan agreements
3:22:00 Slavery
3:26:00 Illegal contracts
3:30:00 Jen says people enjoy watching her dominate me. I enjoy my martyrdom to display my unswerving commitment to the cause of nationalism by humouring her patiently while getting my points across.
3:32:00 People quote Jen on 4chan, apparently.
3:33:00 Jen complains about my extreme rudeness.
3:37:00 Free speech, UKIP, rape jokes, Sargon not discussed
3:40:00 Jen accuses me of telling people what to think. I wish to be their mouthpiece.
3:41:00 Bedlam Hospital. I have always been fascinated by the psychopathy of mental illness. Jen asks why people would care about the opinions of a lunatic.

3:44:00 The crazy lady problem of Western men driving them crazy too. The Aztecs did crazy things and their civilisation ended.
3:47:00 Maybe I am mad too and lunacy is catching ....
3:51:00 Is Jen reduced to talking to me because I am the kindest and cleverest conversationalist she can find?
3:53:00 Jen starts to browbeat me.
3:56:00 Jen issues an ultimatum.
3:57:00  I explain the rules of debate on truth, logic and morality.
3:58:00 Jen says she doesn't want me anywhere near her.
3:59:00 Jen thinks I may have something to offer.
4:00:00 I offer to delete my tweets referring to her mental health to placate her.
4:02:00 Jen says she comes from an honour tradition.
4:03:00 I beg Jen to diagnose my ego but she declines unless I submit to her.
4:05:00 "the severity of legitimate mental illness"
4:06:00 How evolving tactics of dealing with false accusations toughens us up
4:07:00 I give Jen lots of attention for which she should be grateful.
4:08:00 The peasants enjoy calling  each other crazy and watching us call each other crazy.
4:11:00 Big bully Jen
4:14:00 Ad hominem
4:17:30 I want people to be as ashamed of being illogical as they are of being mentally ill.
4:19:00 Jen says she will not compromise her minimum moral standards for me.
4:22:00 "Men in flapping white coats" ...
4:23:00 Jen accuses me of sadistically hurting her.
4:27:00 Political discourse should be about winning if what you say is closer to truth, logic and morality than your opponent.
4:27:00 Prioritising the topics we want to discuss means we have to pick and choose our battles carefully.
4:29:00 Meta Right, dancing bear
4:32:00 Natural religion = physics?
4:33:00  I am permanently banned from the priesthood which Jen has trained, apparently.
4:36:00  Jon Vance
4:36:00  The minimum moral standard of obeying truth, logic and morality.
4:39:00  I genuinely care about the parameters of free speech.
4:41:00  Echo chamber, tolerance
4:43:00  Jen says what I do destroys society.
4:44:00 Jen's public image, being ladylike, dictator and sovereign.
4:46:00  4pol
4:48:00  To be accused of being irrational is the same as being insane.
4:49:00 Jen says I look for love in all the wrong places.
4:50:00 I now represent Brundle.
4:51:00 Feminine privilege and entitlement



5:06:00 Jen calls me "toxic".
5:09:00 People can't follow their own rules.

5:11:00 Jen is my Muse because of the necessity making myself understood to people who seem determined to misunderstand me is the mother of inventing more effective ways of being understood.

5:12:00 The laws of physics are the laws of God for material objects without consciousness. Moral laws are for people with a conscience.  from 54:00

5:15:00 There are more highly evolved strategies for dealing with insults than censorship.
5:23:00 We are not social workers.

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Isn't creating Secular Koranism for white people conclusive evidence I care about white people? 8:00  Space begins. 9:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins. 11:00  Paternal relations 13:00  Taking notes of paternal ...