
Thursday, 25 April 2019

Church of Entropy says white men will reject the religion I have chosen for their moral regeneration

4:00 was the video I was referring to by Blonde in the Belly of the Beast. She seems to be advocating a return to Christianity which suggests she is prepared to make the necessary sacrifices, even if she does not know Christianity is an inferior religion to Islam, and there was a reason why Christianity failed - because of its idolatry, which God has forbidden. Jews and Muslims already know this, but Christians are still in denial about God's wrath and His impending retribution.

8:00  The similarity of the Abrahamic faiths is that they share similar values ie the Ten Commandments and worship the same God, but in competing ways.

The Abrahamic faiths reject idolatry, while Hinduism is idolatrous and Buddhism apparently atheist.

9:00  Circumcision is just a mark of ownership.

9:45  Temple prostitutes were disapproved of by the Israelites.

11:00  God created both Jew and gentile, the way Aesop created both the Tortoise and the Hare. Probably, God created both so they could police each other's behaviour and punish each other for their transgressions against God.

15:00  The origins of the Vedas

21:00  Jen has her own version of Jewish history and does not buy the contents of Deuteronomy 28.

22:00  I display my knowledge of slavery, which I plan to reintroduce as an alternative form of welfare. Jen blames the fall of the Roman Empire on Jews.

23:00  I explain to Jen the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

24:00 The Liberal Gentile is to blame for the Liberal Jew. Cobden and Bright were not Jewish.

Richard Cobden's Triumphant Crusade for Free Trade and Peace Cobden was not Jewish.

John Bright was definitely not Jewish either. His father was in fact a Quaker.

24:45  We discuss the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc, which Jen has admitted to not being aware of, not being as learned as me.

I was clearly too tired to follow it up with a quote from Virgil.,_qui_potuit_rerum_cognoscere_causas

26:00  Jewish emancipation

27:00 Usury is a drug - who is the drug dealer and who is the user?

29:00 Globalism is not exactly new when you think of the British Empire upon which the sun never set. The British crashed and burned after two ruinous imperial wars to keep Germany from rising to prominence.

30:00  After the British Empire destroyed itself in a succession of imperial wars, the immature Americans were given this global empire on a platter. They are basically behaving like trailer trash who have won the lottery to the horror of old empires like China, Iran and Russia.

31:00 Jews, being practitioners of usury, basically rode on the coat-tails of the Anglo Empire who used their usurious services to fund their imperial wars. But usury is a drug and even Hitler who wanted to abolish it kept it going to fund his own imperial war.

32:00  Confused and demoralised white men of the alt-right desperately seek a narrative to make themselves feel better, special and protected. I think I can provide this national narrative if they listen more carefully to my suggestions.

35:00  National identity is forged in the furnace of war and revolution or some important historical event out of which a national narrative could be woven. It must of course be a narrative that is morally satisfying and edifying, appealing to our better godly side.

38:00  'Those who prefer the term "revert" do so based on the Muslim belief that all people are born with a natural faith in God.' It is an excellent attempt at commanding the terms of debate.

41:00  Jen does not like me quoting  to remind her that the Koran guarantees freedom of belief.

43:00  Why Did God Command the Mass Killing of the Canaanites?
God’s judgement on a culture that was utterly pervaded by detestable religious practices

47:00  Jen continues to insist that Christianity and Islam were created by Jews so they could corner the market in usury.

48:00  The Amish and the Benedict Option

50:00  Jen refuses to see human nature as raw in tooth and claw. If there were no superior Abrahamic faiths conquering idolaters, they would be killing each other too. You get the peace of empire once it is established. After a successful war, you have peace.

52:00 My definition of matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their illegitimate offspring. Jen says because Jews are matrilineal and control the West, the West is a matriarchy.

55:00  Jen says Europeans are very good at open war while Jews aren't, but they all started WW2, apparently. When I asked her how Jews started WW2, Jen starts talking about the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. I am bemused.

To be clear, I assume white people are just like any other people in that they wish to enjoy the benefits of good government led by rational and moral men, but with their own peculiar cultural and historical baggage.

58:00  I am sceptical of Jen's claim that the peasants loved their overlords.

1:00:00  Jen has a rather romantic view of the Indian capacity for good government.

1:07:00  Most people can be persuaded to believe in arrant nonsense as long as it pays to do so and the message is strong enough.

1:07:30  Jen and I accuse each other of confusing censorship with free speech. I trump her with  which would guarantee freedom of belief and freedom of expression.

1:08:00  I am making Secular Koranism fit in with the best parts of Western traditions as I can make it.

1:11:00  Fornication is a distraction from marriage. White people won't marry now because they hate society. They hate society because they think Jews have taken over, according to Jen.

1:13:00  Idolatry is the default position of the human inclination.

1:14:00  I want to make God the Metaphorical Monarch of All Ideas.
1:19:00  Usury would be abolished under global sharia thus destroying the power of the Jew over the gentile.
1:22:00  Jen: "Classical music sucks."
Even after I realised she was a barbarian, I tried to find common ground.
1:27:00  Steak tartare
1:31:00 Vietnam A Go-Go
1:32:00  Jon Vance
1:40:00  Jen accuses me of being racist about degenerate unmarriageable white men who are moral cripples incapable of forming the desire to restore the patriarchy, let alone go about the business of restoring it.
1:47:00  The measurement of things in physics
1:50:00  Religion would give us shared values.
1:52:00  11 dimensions
1:54:00  OV was talking about measuring pain. I would measure it through the crime rate, suicide, divorce, orphans and illegitimacy.
2:06:00  Only defensive wars should be allowed.
2:13:00  What will it take for Jen to read the Koran? She uses FGM as a stick to beat me with.
2:16:00 is "fucked up shit", according to Jen.
2:19:00  Physics is calculus and algebra is a facet of calculus.
2:22:00  E = MC squared
2:23:00  Thermodynamics and statistical analysis
2:25:00 The Three Body Problem

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