
Friday, 26 April 2019

Church of Entropy threatens to punish me with retributive justice

1:00  The corruption of women and their unwanted illegitimate children
2:00  Is denial a peculiarly feminine vice?
3:00 Stockholm Syndrome
5:00  Institutionalised
6:00  UK MPs institutionalised and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome because they want to remain in the EU.
7:00  Women are deemed to have less moral agency than men for practical purposes.
8:00  Women are not expected to fight, but men are.
8:30  Women are generally not interested in religion and science.
9:00  Men have not only been feminised, they are also infantilised.
10:00 Jen and I both want to restore a hierarchical patriarchy.
11:00 Jen accuses me of being like Curt Doolittle because we both believe in the supremacy of the judiciary.
12:00 Jen is stricter than the Koran which guarantees freedom of belief with
15:00 Jen accuses me of accusing her of being mentally ill.
17:00  Jen seems to be suggesting that my not agreeing with her is "debating in bad faith".
18:00  Does Doooovid agree with Jen about her theory that Christianity and Islam are Jewish?
18:30  Is a devotee of Jen's?
19:00  Jon Vance, a young man of conviction and courage who has read the Koran.
20:00 Jen says reading the Koran would worsen her view of Islam. She then says it would "cloud her judgement".
21:00 Jen accuses the Abrahamic faiths of murdering Brahmins.
22:00  Jen seems to be threatening to hog-tie me.
23:00 Quantum mechanics and Jen's spirit world
24:00  Jen's explanation of quantum mechanics, reincarnation, the mortal coil, the perfected will etc.
27:00 Bodhisattva
28:00 Jen's bizarre claims
29:00 My reasons for wanting to know why Jen thinks and does what she does are speculated on.
30:00 I may have found true love.
31:00 My delight at Jen's Claire Khaw Debate Rubric
33:00  "Ideologies are algorithmic."
34:00  Jen and I could become indistinguishable if she initiates me.
37:00 FGM and male circumcision
38:00  Reincarnation
40:00  What lessons should we learn before we die?
42:00  We should expect to lose our memory before we die and expecting this would make us feel less frightened.
43:00  I affirm my agnosticism.
44:00  The soul is the memory we leave behind.
45:00  Jen says the soul is the quantum mechanical projection of the body, and I say the soul is the memory we leave behind after we are dead in the minds of more than one person.
50:00 Swami Dayananda

52:00  Idolatry  Different schools of thought interpret Brahman as either personal, impersonal or transpersonal. Ishwar Chandra Sharma describes it as "Absolute Reality, beyond all dualities of existence and non-existence, light and darkness, and of time, space and cause".

56:00  Why God is the Periodic Table

58:00  Jen refers to Brutus the British  "chimping out".

59:00 Daniel Sienkiewicz

1:01:00  Men declaring an official marriage strike

1:05:00  Low status moral cripples incapable of even forming the desire to restore the patriarchy do not deserve to get their country back.

1:09:00  Survive the Jive and his Aryan kings "dogshit", Mark Brahmin's obsession with Jews
1:10:00  Chris Cantwell
1:11:00  My definition of matriarchy, Jen talks about a Mystery Matriarchy
1:12:00  J F Gariepy  probably not the best man to stand up for marriage and family values.

Halsey is probably not the best person to represent the white gentile being Jewish.

1:14:00 The Bhagavad Gita is not Vedic.
1:15:00  Jen refuses to tell us about the Vedas and says they are even harder than the physics I don't understand.

1:16:00 The philosophy of the Vedas is the philosophy of physics, says Jen.

1:17:00  Durgadas
1:18:00  Jen says she has already read the Koran in a former life.
1:19:00  The Koran is not Vedic.
1:19:30  Vedic Authorities are corrupt.
1:20:00  The last two chapters are about Christianity and Islam
1:22:00 Krishna could be regarded as a metaphor or perfection of the Quantum Mind.
1:26:00  The Periodic Table does not get reincarnated, therefore it is God, according to Jen.
1:28:00 Jen says the Koran is not scripture.
1:30:00 Jen accuses me of being a moral relativist. I explain why Secular Koranism is based on sound deduction.
1:32:00  " ... the crack pipe of usury ... "
1:33:00  Knowledge and Wisdom
1:34:00  Jen repeats her view that Christianity and Islam are created by Jews to corner the market on usury.
1:36:00  Christians of the West who think they are masters of science are having rings run round them by Jen who worked out that the Periodic Table is 3D and that Quantum Mechanics implies reincarnation.
1:37:00 Periodic Table
1:39:00  The commoners will always be idolatrous, the best we can hope for is a non-idolatrous elite.
1:43:00  Danielle Steele, Michael Crichton
1:44:00 Irvine Welsh
1:44:30  Jen rounds on me for my alleged arrogance, condescension and pretentiousness.
1:46:00  The difference between English and French compared to skiing and snowboarding
1:49:00 Christopher Cantwell and crystal meths
1:50:00  Jews are European citizens.
1:52:00  The problem of the loss of status of the white man
2:02:00  Cousin marriage
2:03:00  Consanguinity
2:05:00  "The law is the algorithm of human behaviour."
2:06:00  Retributive justice, jizya/the conditional tribute
2:07:00  Cousin marriage again
2:11:00  Europeans who were originally Indian who turned white  will love Church of Entropy which is a simplified version of the eternal tradition.
2:12:00  Pythagoras
2:14:00  Presentation is all.
2:15:00  Jen says it is immoral to deny reincarnation.
2:16:00  Jen confuses "prediction" with "hypothesis".
2:17:00  Jews are allowed to practise usury.
2:17:30  The Vatican Bank charges interest.
2:18:00  Christianity is a Jewish institution and Jesus probably never existed, says Jen.
2:20:00  Jen says after retributive justice has been meted out, she will decide on what the rules are to be.
2:21:00  I try to entice Jen into reading the Koran.
2:22:00  Secular Koranism is neutral on reincarnation.
2:23:00  Noahide laws
2:25:00  Why I rely on the Noahide laws: because they would declare Christianity to be idolatrous and Islam to be in conformity.
2:30:00  The Ten Commandments are not God's laws, according to Jen.
2:31:00  Jen will delegate the reading of the Koran to someone else.
2:32:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.
2:33:00 The legal system of imperial China developed from two schools of thought: Confucianism and Legalism. Although both of them exerted a deep influence on China’s state-building as well as on its moral and legal traditions, at the beginning these two philosophies were bitterly opposed to each other, as they were based on entirely different principles.
2:34:00 Jen's racial theory on religion.
2:35:00  Christianity has pagan origins.
2:36:00  Jen says Europeans are light-skinned Indians.
2:38:00  Jen will make her 3D Periodic Table out of clay before we all meet again.

Listen to Jen blind me with science the first time I asked her this question.

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